@Becfromthedead group
I know I saw a few people on here who do. I'd kind of like people to share all of their in-game shenanigans because we all know how ridiculous things can get, and I need a good laugh.
I know I saw a few people on here who do. I'd kind of like people to share all of their in-game shenanigans because we all know how ridiculous things can get, and I need a good laugh.
Skyrim space program.
First Kahjit in space!
Also made Ulfric a nice hat of cheese. It falls off his head when he gets off his throne but still is pretty funny to see a dictator with a cheese brick on his head.
I do, but you know I do, Bec.
Okay, how did you do this??? That's pretty good.
Uh I killed Ulfric in my first playthrough and humiliated both him and Galmar Stonefist by stripping them of all their belongings, including clothes and just leaving them facedown on the ground by the throne. It's the only right way to do it imo.
And in my second, I joined the Stormcloaks and Galmar had some sort of glitch. He had the injured/crawling animation for the whole battle at Solitude and even during his dialogue, so it took him forever to walk places.
Yeah, we talked about it a bit. But if you have any ridiculous moments to share, I'm all ears.
Do you have a link? I'll consider it.
Nah, I don't, just copy paste
School RP! (Open to Those Who Can Read Rules If You Can Do That, JOOOOOIIIIINNN)
In Wildcard RP?
Okay, I'll go check it out.
Much appreciated!
Cheese wheel waterfall.
That is all i have to say.
Also I always wanted to play Skyrim, but never had the chance. I watch my brother play it, and it looks like the ultimate mediaeval fantasy world… But… I'm always busy busy busy….
Maybe one day, though.
You totally should if you get the chance! I really enjoy it. Despite having a lot of combat and such, it's a really chill game.
I actually just started a new playthrough as an Orc woman who dual-wields axes.
Interesting…. I just like the atmosphere the game brings out… A lot…
Did I totally just bump this extremely dead chat??
Yeah. I moved it from general chat to video games though.
And yes… sometimes I will walk instead of fast travel when doing quests for the scenery and music. It's very relaxing and pretty. But also some really scary, messed up things happen sometimes (like that time I accidentally joined a cannibal cult), and sometimes they're just funny, such as when I was messing around with some telekinesis magic in the middle of a town and accidentally flung a pot at someone, then got arrested.
My brother always saves then uses fury or whatever in whiterun to mame everyone mad and chaotic and kill each other.
Or he just shouts at everyone and tries to kill off all the guards.
I think he got away with it once…
I have one playthrough where I'm really broken… I have level 100, legendary x2 sneak, and I can literally walk up in front of someone to hit them, and it counts as a sneak attack. I try not to use it for evil… I'd say I'm more of a thief than a murderer in that game.
That's intriguing… I can't really talk about much since I've never played it (although I am thinking about getting the switch version, maybe…) But I know enough to have a conversation…
My brother ran out of magika while fighting some thieves, and he had no use but to use his woodcutting axe, and his single hand increased. I about cried.
Dang. This is why you at least carry a dagger at all times lol.
OH YEAH so I got my friends to play and pass the controller around, so they made a character who was a "soccer mom" and named her Brenda, then they speed married her to her wife, Ysolda. She kept getting arrested because of things my friends accidentally did, and then eventually, they handed off the controller to my friend who is the worst at video games, and she actually did the best, which was enough to get her a weapon and things to defend herself. She just ran around stealing, and it was the funniest thing.
(I have the switch version btw. I wasn't playing it when it first came out. I was really introduced to it over the summer, loved it, then bought it on switch when I got one.)
Yeha… Yeah… Maybe some day I'll have my chance.
I have actually started playing skyrim recently
(Also on the switch because my playstation doesn't work well)
I really kinda want it, but I want a taste of it first before I spend over 60 dollars on it…. I mean, it’s a good game, but I just have a feeling that I should dip my toe in the water first…
For the switch, I mean.
Looking at the memes for Skyrim will not be of much help but they are amazing.
This was basically my first exposure to gameplay… I actually did play some before dishing out $60 on it, but that's not really the point here.
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