forum Tutorials
Started by @Riorlyne pets

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@Riorlyne pets

Hello all!

Just wondering if anyone would be interested in tutorials for using - things like making a character public, starting a private thread, editing your post in a thread, etc. I've been thinking of making some but would only do so if there would be a use for them. :)

Let me know if you'd appreciate any of these, and if you have additional ideas for tutorials, I'd love to hear them!

@Riorlyne pets



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Make a Page Public
Make a Page Private
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Add a Field to a Page Category
Add a Private Field to a Page Category
Delete an Empty Category (Workaround)
Link to a Page in a Linking Field
Link to a Page in a Text Field
Add Formatting to a Page
Add and Use Tags


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Add Formatting to a Post


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@Riorlyne pets

Post Formatting

In forum posts on, you can use Markdown formatting and some inline HTML formatting to brighten up your words. In this post I have focused primarily on Markdown as it is a lot simpler.


Bullet Points

To list with bullet points, start a line with an asterisk, dash or plus sign (* - +) followed by a space.

* This is an item in an unordered list.
- So is this.
+ This is too.


  • This is an item in an unordered list.
  • So is this.
  • This is too.

Numbered Lists

For a numbered list, start a line with a number, followed by a period, then a space. Ordering the numbers correctly does not matter.

1. This is an item in an ordered list.
2. This is too.
5. The numbers used don’t matter.


  1. This is an item in an ordered list.
  2. This is too.
  3. The numbers used don’t matter.


To put text in a block quote, start a line with a right angle bracket (>).

> This is a block quote.


This is a block quote.

To nest quotes, simply use multiple right angle brackets.

>>> This is a quote...
>> ... within a quote.
> Quoteception!


This is a quote…

… within a quote.



To create a Heading, start the line with one or more hashtags (#), followed by a space. One hashtag creates the largest heading and six hashtags creates the smallest heading.

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Text Formatting
Bold and Italic

Italic text uses one asterisk or underscore (* or _) either side of the desired text, and bold uses two (** or __). To combine them for bold italic text, either use three of either on both sides (***or ___) or two of one and one of the other on both sides (*__ or **_ or _** or __*).

Format Using Example Preview
Italic * *leaning* leaning
Italic 2 _ _bowing_ bowing
Bold ** **weighty** weighty
Bold 2 __ __heavy__ heavy
Bold Italic *** ***falling*** falling
Bold Italic 2 ___ ___tumbling___ tumbling
Bold Italic 3 *__ *__falling__* falling
Bold Italic 4 **_ **_tumbling_** tumbling
Bold Italic 5 _** _**falling**_ falling
Bold Italic 6 __* __*tumbling*__ tumbling


For strikethrough text, put two tildes (~~) either side of the text you wish to cross out.

This is ~~strikethrough~~.

This is strikethrough.

Show Code

To show code and formatting symbols (like I am doing in this tutorial), put a backtick (`) either side of the text you wish to show.

This is `code`.

This is code.

Hyperlinks will automatically hyperlink any links in your post, but if you want to show alternate text and not the link URL, put your alternate text in square brackets [ ] followed by the URL in parentheses ( ).

This is just a pasted URL:
This is a [hyperlink](

This is just a pasted URL:
This is a hyperlink.

Images will automatically insert most images linked in a post. For best results, make sure the image URL ends with a common image extension, like .jpg or .png




To create a table, first write your column headers, separated from each other by pipes (|). On the next line, use dashes (-) to mark out your columns (at least three per column), again separated by pipes. Lastly, for each row of your table, use a new line, again separating the information in each column by pipes.

Comparison | Cactus Juice | Giant Mushroom
--- | --- | ---
Quenchy? | Yes | No
Friendly? | No | Unknown
Deadly? | Probably not | Most likely


Comparison Cactus Juice Giant Mushroom
Quenchy? Yes No
Friendly? No Unknown
Deadly? Probably not Most likely


Using table formatting, you can create a nice, centred title with a separating line beneath it by ending a line with a pipe (|). Here, I have also made the text bold using two asterisks (**).

**Nothing's Quenchier**|


Nothing's Quenchier


To create a horizontal line, type three dashes, asterisks or underscores (—- *** ___) on a line of their own.




HTML formatting makes use of tags. These are enclosed within angle brackets <> and used either side of the text that needs the desired formatting. Most inline HTML works on, but in this post I will focus on the options that Markdown doesn’t provide.


To hide text within a spoiler, wrap it in the <spoiler></spoiler> tags. Text in a spoiler needs to be on a new line.

<spoiler>This is a spoiler. It needs its own line.</spoiler>


Text Formatting
Bolder Bold

HTML creates a bolder bold than Markdown. To more boldly embolden text, wrap it in the <b></b> tags.

This is <b>really bold</b>.

This is really bold.

Quote, Underline, Superscript, Subscript

To format text, use the <q></q>, <ins></ins>, <sup></sup> and <sub></sub> tags respectively.

Format Tag Example Preview
Quote <q> <q>Mushroom</q> Mushroom
Underline <ins> <ins>mushy</ins> mushy
Superscript <sup> <sup>gi</sup>ant giant
Subscript <sub> fri<sub>end</sub> friend

@RompingSphinx group

Awesome :D
Here are a couple things that are so small that they probably didn't need defining, but here they are anyways:

line <br>
eaks work, although they probably aren't necessary.
They're mostly good for if you need to force an return into a place where one really does not want to be.

<abbr>eviations work.

Putting a this after a line will center it (and put a line under it): |

Comments work like <!-- this --> (It will be invisible in the final product.)

@Riorlyne pets

Hi @RompingSphinx !

I figured since is quite receptive to pressing 'Enter', linebreaks were probably not as sought-after, but I will probably add them to the HTML portion of the tutorial that's on Google docs as well as other fancy HTML stuff like comments and extra hyperlink formatting (eventually). I didn't want the post here to get too long or complicated if users were simply skimming through to get to stuff they'd seen others do, nor do I want to write an a-z HTML tutorial as there are plenty of those online already, and I'm not an expert by any means.

Putting a this after a line will center it (and put a line under it): |

This is basically one row of a single column table, but I can see how that would make a nice sort of heading so I'll add it under the 'Table' section. Thanks!

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Never mind, I figured it out. To strikethrough is <strike>word/sentence</strike>.

You can also just use two of these little symbols ~~ at the start and end of a word or sentence to strike through anything. It’s easier in my opinion.