forum Things that real women use to make our lives easier and things that we just do in general
Started by @LittleBear group

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@LittleBear group

So, I've seen a lot of comments about real women/girls and so I've compiled a little list of things that I use/ or things that I do to keep me sane. If you (male or female) are trying to write a young-ish adult woman this list can help. Also if anyone has any other things to add to the list, please do!

  • Wardrobe tape - Holy Crap this stuff is amazing. As someone who likes great clothes that are sometimes made for gals who are more cough gifted cough than I am. You just put a little strip between the fabric and you and it says in place without hurting the clothing or you.
  • Clear Nail Polish - The stuff not only makes making nails look professional but it helps with bugs bites and stocking runs. If I ever get a tick, chigger, other bug bite where a bug is in my skin, I put a layer of nail polish on it and it suffocates the sucker - saves me from itching. Then if my stocking starts to run (and is still small) I can put a dollup on and stop it from spreading until I can get to a new pair.
  • Dish Soap - This stuff gets stains out of everything. Blood, oil/grease, sauces etc. will come out with putting disk soap on it directly and scrub it in. Then wash with cold water.
  • Dark Chocolate - Is the the best thing in the world for being tired, hangry, etc.
  • Keys are great for opening packages and letters.
  • Hand Sanitizer - Also good for stains in a pinch
  • Sunglasses - To keep out the glare when I'm driving and giving me the ability to look at anyone/anything that I want to (or roll my eyes at anything I want) without being rude/judged.
  • Eye mask - I use one when my roommate needs to have the lights on late and when I don't want people on planes to mess up my nap.
  • I curse. Alot.
  • I am a total diva when I am sick. Like move over Queen Elizabeth and go make me some soup.
  • Sometimes I wanna wear 3 inch heels and a cocktail dress and sometimes I wanna be in sweat pants and those stupid Hommer Simpson slippers I got at a white elephant Christmas party.

@HighPockets group

Great list!! And may I add (I guess I'm a teen but still):

  • My purse is filled with essentials like a wallet and kleenex, but also things like Crazy Aaron's Putty to keep my hands busy if I'm bored or waiting for something
  • I'm either in a huge music mood or a huge youtube mood. There's no in-between.
  • Clothes hangers: I like the plastic shirt ones best because you can hand pants on the lower bar part if need be.
  • My closet consists of jeans, hoodies and jackets, flannels, t-shirts, and sweaters.
  • Thin socks are super obnoxious sometimes
  • Walmart sells the softest fleece pajama pants known to humankind.

@HighPockets group

If someone is bleeding from a hole (like their nose or a bullet hole) apparently tampons work to help stop bleeding until you can get help??

@Broken Princess

  • Put saliva on itchy bug bites to temporarily relieve itching. I don't mean empty the contents of your mouth; just lick your finger and dab it on. But try to do it surreptitiously because you'll get weird looks.
  • The membranes inside egg shells are nature's Band-aid and will stop the bleeding on minor wounds.
  • Put your phone on Low Power Mode (if you have an iPhone) all the time.
  • Honey can be used like aloe vera.
  • There's tinted chapstick out there and it's amazing.
  • If a garment shrinks in the wash because it's cheap cotton, don't worry! Submerge it in water, then hang it up with weight pulling it down. When it dries it should be stretched back to normal. When I've done this, we took two hangers and attached them to the bottom of the shirt, then hung a bag with stuff in it from the hangers. It worked, I swear.
  • I can't use a physical planner to save my life but Google Keep is great because I'm always on a computer.
  • Use Goodreads to keep track of books you've read, want to read, and are currently reading. It gives you recommendations that are really good and it's great for discovering new books. (Psst plus you can roleplay or have book clubs in the groups)
  • If you're super forgetful (like me) and need to remember something important overnight, take a pillow and throw/place it on the floor - somewhere it wouldn't normally be. Think/tell yourself what you need to remember, then go to bed. When you wake up and inevitably think, Why the heck is there a pillow on the floor?, you'll remember. It really works!
  • Facial cleanser helps bug bites go away.
  • When cutting onions, put olive oil on the knife. It's not great, but it takes away some of the sting. You can also wear swim goggles because they cover your whole eye.


(True dat. Here are some things about me as a lady:)

-Having a bed that's made is sooooo comfy and cozy being all tight in it. BUT it's tedious and I don't like doing it every day like stereotypes might suggest
-I like cleaning up but only when I do it on my own will. Being told to do something makes me want to do it less.
-Carrying an emergency pack is a life saver, Advil, tampons and stuff. Very helpful. (If you're writing this could be a source of embarrassing moments. One guy was digging through my stuff on the bus one time and saw it and was like "Oh and here's your make up." (Luckily he didn't open it up. Phew!)
-Not all girls like school all the time.
-Make-up is a choice and is kind of like art on your face. Just because a girl wears make up doesn't mean she's insecure and vice versa

(Some are more personal than others but shrugs)

@HighPockets group

Also my religion teacher gave me this advice:
Make your bed every morning no matter what. That way when you get home, no matter how bad your day was, your bed is made and waiting for you and it's one less thing you have to do and it's like a comfort thing.
she also knew Anthony Ramos because she had a class with him in NY eeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

@LittleBear group

Another pro tip if you click the thee dots next to a comment and select "quote" it will pop up with the dialogue along with the code that lets you do special effects. In this case it would be "~~" on either side of what ever you want to cross out.

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