forum Q+A with a Woman [Any/All Questions Answered]
Started by @Uh.Yeah.I.Sure.HOPE.It.Does!

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How do you deal with trauma?


So if you had the possibility to bring back your husband, would you do it? and why or why not?


Sorry for the terribly late reply, personally I would do things that I enjoy to sort of distract myself from the trauma. Those things would be different person to person of course but just think coping mechanisms.
For your second question, I would say no. If he had died early, maybe but if it was old I age I probably wouldn't because people die and it's best to let them pass in peace.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

What do you think the biggest tells are in "inauthentic" women in fiction? For example, the ones you just know when reading were written by a man who's missing some important gap in making a woman character feel real?


Hello @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)! That's an excellent question! Some of the main tells are when the women are described like perfect beings, typically with lots of dramatic metaphors or similes. A lot of the books I've read with inauthentic women display women as an object that's flawless. Another thing is the lack of dimensions. They're usually beautiful and emotional and that's about it. It's sort of hard to describe how I identify an "inauthentic" woman in fiction because it varies from one example to the next but I think this sums it up pretty well.

@HighPockets group

  • Male writers tend to place an insane amount of focus on breasts, when irl the most that me and my female friends pay attention to them is in a 'yeah, they're there I guess' way.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girls/women who are fictionalized/'perfect' versions of themselves. They only serve to be a love interest and 'show the mc a new way of looking at things' before probably dying
  • Like @"Uh.Yeah.I.Sure.HOPE.It.Does!" said, it's telling when a woman's defining traits are 'pretty' and 'emotional', or 'pretty' and 'no emotions'. This mainly stems from the whole 'Manic Pixie Dream Girl' thing where women can't have flaws (especially physical flaws, even if they're in a field where they likely should have some pretty gnarly scars, like an assassin, a soldier, a knight, etc.) which means they have no depth.