forum I know way too much about mythology and mythical creatures
Started by Harper

people_alt 5 followers


So, you want to learn about gods or monsters? Well you're in the right place. Welcome to my not very evil lair, make a cup of tea and stay a while.


I specialize in Greek/Roman, Egyptian, and Norse (Like everyone else), but I'm also fairly well versed on celtic and arthurian lore.


Hey! do you know anything about the legend of the Eye of Horus? I've been thinking of using it as a motif in my stury.


I'm writing a story that features Greek gods,and I want a few of the lesser known ones. Think you can help me?


Sure! If you want some overlooked gods, we have Thanatos(Death), Hebe(Youth), Psyche(The human spirit), Eris(Discord/chaos), Nemesis(Revenge), Nyx(Night), Erebrus(Darkness/shadow), and Hypnos(Sleep). There are also some primordial dieties such as Selene(Moon) and Helios(Sun) that got replaced by other gods or just forgotten such as Chaos(Nothingness) or Aether(Air)


Depends, what are you looking for? I know many different types of fae, stengths/weaknesses, and a bit of mythology


I'm just wondering if you knew of any interesting types of fae mostly. I'm writing a story featuring them and I want to try to have several kinds of possible. Also any protections one could take against them would be good too.


Okay here are a couple different types:
Elves: Pretty typical in fantasy, but they were originally invisible beings who stole food and generally caused michief.
Dryads: Fae that guard trees, a kind of nymph, may have nature magic, very beautiful though not quite human
Naiads: Fae that guard any kind of water from ponds to rivers to oceans, a kind of nymph, probably have water magic, also very pretty
Redcaps: Angry small fae that throw stones from old forts to kill people, and then use the blood to color their hats
Spriggans: Also tree spirits though these are ugly and gnarled and like to murder humans that come by, they are skilled theives, and can inflate themselves to huge sizes
Brownies: Tiny fae people who love helping out, usually do chores and other helpful things, enjoy gifts of cake and whiskey, will leave if you give them clothes
Selkies: Women or men who have a sealskin. When they put on the sealskin, they turn into a seal and travel the ocean. If a human gets the sealskin, they force the Selkie to marry them
Djinn: What our modern genie comes from. Angry spirits that grant wishes, but often twist the wish into a curse if the person doesn't use specific wording. Sometimes have fire magic
Pixies: Small winged fae who are prone to pranking humans. They love turning people into horses, riding them to fairy parties, and then riding them home again
Puca: Small fae that live in rocks, considered shape changers they don't cause trouble and seeing one can be good luck
Asrais: One you don't see often, these are tiny frail women who turn into puddles of water when exposed to sunshine or captured
Buccas: Small fae who live in mines and help miners by tappin on walls were ore can be found

Most celtic faires are seperated into two different groups. The seelie fae are sometimes helpful, and like playing harmless pranks. The unseelie fae are prone to driving humans insane, stealing babies, and kidnapping people

-Iron will burn them
-Cannot cross lines of salt
-Cannot see you if you're wearing red or your clothes are inside out
-Some cannot cross running water

Hope this was helpful