forum I have a question real quick if someone could help
Started by Pantastic Pan

people_alt 5 followers

Pantastic Pan

Ok so I don't really know how to get to forums because I keep going profile, edit profile, preferences, forums but there's got to be a better way


are you on your phone?
my phone often won't let me do it, so I type into the url bar lol
or go to discussions if you're on computer, those are the forums

@Mercury Beta Tester

Was there a problem with your internet connection? It says you've posted this question 3 times (including this one). Please could you delete the remaining 2 posts that have not got any responses, as they are effectively spam?

@Riorlyne pets

Please could you delete the remaining 2 posts that have not got any responses, as they are effectively spam?

@Vexillologist - Is there a way to delete posts or threads that one has created? To my knowledge we can't do that yet.

@Mercury Beta Tester

@Riorlyne Ah, I've made threads before and I was sure that I'd seen a 'Delete' option, but I can't find one now that I've gone back and checked. My apologies.