forum I can help for authors writing about transgender characters!
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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As a young trans* person, I know first-hand what it's like. So, if there are any authors who are still a bit confused on certain terms, or need a little bit of help with a transgender character, I'm here to help.


I know this is a weird question but if you're writing something that's in the past but is put in present tense (like a thought in a flashback) would you refer to the person as their birth assigned gender or their trans gender? sorry for the confusing wording and such.


This depends. In the flashback, the trans character would refer to them as the gender and name they identify with, however, if they are flashing back to a moment that involves other people, the other people may be referring to them by their birth-assigned gender and name. But they will refer to themselves by their gender identity. Hope this isn't too confusing @Joneathan


hey me again, but do yo know what it would be like to be trans in the 80's/90's? If not it's cool, I am researching but I would also like to know if someone else would have an awnser


Which country is your character living in? It might vary, and of course, because I didn't live then I don't exactly know. But I still may be able to help if I know the country.


This may not be accurate, but I'm going to try to help you. I've tried to get some information from people online who are trans and lived in the 80s.
It would be quite dangerous if they didn't 'pass' (look enough like the gender they identified with), and from what I've heard many trans people were assaulted and robbed. Being transgender may have been frowned upon by many, and some people that knew the trans person's birth name may still use it on them to tease them. It may depend on which state you lived in, because the Northern states may be more accepting than Southern states (though that isn't always true). There was a lack of information for many people about being transgender and transitioning, and one person said they would have transitioned 10 or 15 years earlier if they'd had the information. There weren't many support groups around, and if there were, then they were small. It may have been quite hard to find a gender therapist. The first person widely known in America to have undergone SRS (sexual reassignment surgery, also known as 'bottom' surgery) was Christine Jorgensen in 1951, which probably meant that SRS was definitely happening around America in the time you're writing about.


Hi I have a character who is male to female. I’ve been researching trans related topics for about a year now. I’ve even talked to a few trans people and interviewed them (with their consent of course) so I can write her as accurately as possible. Because as a cis woman I do want to help normalize and portray trans people without the ‘stereotypes’ that most of the time are not true at all. I wanted to see if you know any MTF who would be willing to talk about their dysphoria in a deep level. So I can understand my characters dysphoria on a deep level and to write them the way they would want to be treated.
Example I’ve had many people ask me draw her in very lewd ways but she would never want that and would absolutely horrify her. And it’s just plain disrespectful to begin with.
Shes not entirely comfortable with herself and would never even begin to think of such things. So why should I make her. I know she’s a fictional character but I treat all my characters as if they were real people.

Sorry this is so long. But if you know anyone who’s willing to talk about their dysphoria on a deep level and wouldn’t mind being asked questions please let me know. Thank you!


Hi I have a character who is male to female. I’ve been researching trans related topics for about a year now. I’ve even talked to a few trans people and interviewed them (with their consent of course) so I can write her as accurately as possible. Because as a cis woman I do want to help normalize and portray trans people without the ‘stereotypes’ that most of the time are not true at all. I wanted to see if you know any MTF who would be willing to talk about their dysphoria in a deep level. So I can understand my characters dysphoria on a deep level and to write them the way they would want to be treated.
Example I’ve had many people ask me draw her in very lewd ways but she would never want that and would absolutely horrify her. And it’s just plain disrespectful to begin with.
Shes not entirely comfortable with herself and would never even begin to think of such things. So why should I make her. I know she’s a fictional character but I treat all my characters as if they were real people.

Sorry this is so long. But if you know anyone who’s willing to talk about their dysphoria on a deep level and wouldn’t mind being asked questions please let me know. Thank you!

Sorry for not replying! I've been away for ages and not been able to respond to anything.
As an FTM guy, I don't have the experience of an MTF person. However, I have a couple of friends who have told me some things that may help about transition and dysphoria

  • Because estrogen does not change the voice or face much, many trans women undergo voice therapy and FFS (facial feminisation surgery) to change their typically masculine features
  • Estrogen also gives some breast tissue, so a lot of trans women I know would rather get SRS (sexual reassignment surgery) before breast augmentation if they even consider it, however, others don't want SRS because they feel that the results are not as they want them at the moment.
  • The usual stereotypes of trans women in the media are presented as either 'dirty little secrets' of cishet men, prostitutes/promiscuous people, or middle-aged trans women who are presented as unloveable. Trans women are usually sick of these stereotypes, so stray from these as they tend to be harmful.
  • My MTF friends, when talking about dysphoria (which we rarely do–it can be uncomfortable for many trans people to discuss personal transition issues), often bring up how uncomfortable they are with their masculine features in their face, short hair (because those trans women with unaccepting parents usually are made to cut their hair regularly, and short hair is harder to make feminine), and most have very severe top and bottom dysphoria.
    That's really all I know, but I'll try to consult my trans MTF friends for more. Glad to help :)

@Someone_Called_zap group

hey uh, this isn't really for a character, but I'm taking voice therapy (to make my voice lower), will this like, make my animals not recognize me for my voice, and what will it do to like playing an instrument? I play the flute so like I don't really know if that'll effect like the tome (i guess?) of the instrument.


hey uh, this isn't really for a character, but I'm taking voice therapy (to make my voice lower), will this like, make my animals not recognize me for my voice, and what will it do to like playing an instrument? I play the flute so like I don't really know if that'll effect like the tome (i guess?) of the instrument.

i'm honestly not sure, as i haven't looked much into voice therapy. but i'm sure your pets will notice something, as i've heard that when people go on T and their smell changes and they don't see their dog for a while, the dog notices a change in smell and might be a bit suspicious. nothing more i suppose
as for your flute playing, you might want to ask whoever's doing your voice therapy or do some research, but i would imagine you'll be fine playing it.


would it be fine if we messaged through another platform to discuss my character with you? My instagram is @gussyno. i Have reference sheets and character personality sheets that i want to discuss about. And you're fine, i'm also answering very late haha.