i am by no means an expert, but i went to university specifically so i could take celtic mythology, so it's up there on my list of things i enjoy talking about.
additionally, i love discussing the hero's/heroine's journey, especially in regards to ya fantasy. (i don't know as much about fantasy for adults as i do for young adults, so if you have any questions about writing for young adults, ask away!)
also if you have any questions about writing in general (grammar, sentence structure, phrasing, etc.), i would love to help!
I love the hero's/heroine's journey! What's the weirdest genre you've seen it dictate the plot of?
My entire story is basically Celtic mythology in the modern world. Love, love, love it. Cu Chulainn was the original Hulk.
@andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) i'm not sure i've seen it dictate westerns but i'm sure that would be entirely weird
@Áibhéalaí right!? i have so many elements of celtic mythology in my trilogy, and most of the names are celtic in origin!
Can you tell me about Celtic/Irish culture? One of my cultures is based on them (a little bit).
My entire story is basically Celtic mythology in the modern world. Love, love, love it. Cu Chulainn was the original Hulk.
I once wanted to write a story like that! I didn't know anything about Celtic mythology at the time but it was basically like the teenaged reincarnations of major Celtic characters.
What country(s) is the Celtic Culture from?
Like, I know it originated somewhere in Europe but i don't know where specifically.
Like, I know it originated somewhere in Europe but i don't know where specifically.
It originated in present-day United Kingdom, Ireland, and France (as well as other places), but I was more asking @cami since they are the expert.
I'm Ulster-Scots. Ask me everything
i am by no means an expert, but i went to university specifically so i could take celtic mythology, so it's up there on my list of things i enjoy talking about.
additionally, i love discussing the hero's/heroine's journey, especially in regards to ya fantasy. (i don't know as much about fantasy for adults as i do for young adults, so if you have any questions about writing for young adults, ask away!)
also if you have any questions about writing in general (grammar, sentence structure, phrasing, etc.), i would love to help!
Hey. Can you send me a pm? I need a lot of help and I don't want to crowd the topic. Thank you!!!