forum ask me anything about les mis and the actual historical events it's based on
Started by @calellory

people_alt 2 followers

@Peter_Duende language

I don't have any questions, but I have to ask, have you read the book by Victor Hugo? If not, I highly reccommend doing so. It's a pretty big committment, but it's definitely worth it!


YES!!!! I have like four copies actually I think lol. one of them is from the original english publication!!! The illustrations in it are SO cool

@Peter_Duende language

Awesome, dude! I have a hardcover English version (non-illustrated), and I treat it like a baby. :P I don't want to distract this thread from its purpose, but what do you think of the dramatizations made from Les mis (movies, musical productions, other)?


Oh man that's a big mood!! I LOVE the musical (haven't had the chance to see it in person though rip) but I've only seen the 2012 movie so far.. The BBC series coming out seems like it's gonna be really great though!

@Peter_Duende language

I actually got the chance to go see the live musical earlier this year; it was fantab! My family and I enjoy watching the live musicals from past years (the 10th is our favorite). So, you listen to the musical soundtrack? Which song(s) is/are your favorite(s)?
I (and don't be offended) think that the 2012 movie was a waste of time and money.
Yeah, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) Davies is writing the script for the BBC, and he's really good about keeping things to the book. The one thing I don't like is how he likes to keep or add objectionable content; dude, keep to the book to the dot!


OH MAN LUCKY! I might get to see it in September if I can save enough for tickets so that should be fun! My favorite song to listen to is probably ABC Cafe/Red and Black but for singing it's a tie between Eponine's Errand, Stars, and Empty Chairs at Empty Tables!
Yeah that's fair for book accuracy tbh. I just like it bc it's an easy way to get ppl to listen to the soundtrack so I can talk to them about it.
Oh god yeah. like if you're gonna make a whole series and not like a movie or smth that should be within like 3 hours you gotta have the whole thing. Except maybe like the whole Waterloo bit and the chapters about Argot that aren't really relevant/would be hard to pull off on screen


OH MAN LUCKY! I might get to see it in September if I can save enough for tickets so that should be fun! My favorite song to listen to is probably ABC Cafe/Red and Black but for singing it's a tie between Eponine's Errand, Stars, and Empty Chairs at Empty Tables!
Yeah that's fair for book accuracy tbh. I just like it bc it's an easy way to get ppl to listen to the soundtrack so I can talk to them about it.
Oh god yeah. like if you're gonna make a whole series and not like a movie or smth that should be within like 3 hours you gotta have the whole thing. Except maybe like the whole Waterloo bit and the chapters about Argot that aren't really relevant/would be hard to pull off on screen

@Peter_Duende language

It's hard to put everything in, I agree. But if they would just ask me and do everything that I wanted and thought would work, it'd be awesome. :P
That reminds me, one of my favorite sections of the book were when Valjean and Marius were in the sewers, and Hugo went on to explain the entire sewage system of the city. I don't know why I liked it so much.?


Omg yeah same like,,
OH YEAH THAT'S A COOL PART!! like I wonder how much Victor Hugo actually knew and how much was made up…
My favorite part is that whole bit where Marius and Javert team up to arrest the Thenardiers and Patron Minette lmao

@Peter_Duende language

I'm sure Hugo did his research. That's awesome, too! I didn't like, though, how throughout the entire story Marius had Thenardier on this pedestal….made me sick.

@Peter_Duende language

And the whole while she at least thought she loved him. At least he didn't know; it'd be cruel if he'd known of her feelings for him, and still asked her to help him find Cosette.
Gah, so many things annoyed me (as with most stories), but it's still an amazing story!

@Peter_Duende language

XP I know! Though they were interwoven together expertly. It would often seem as if Hugo were going down a rabbit trail, but then you would see the the sidetracking was necessary for the following plot event; brilliant.


Honestly though like I give him a lot of crap for that but it does turn out really well. Like he talks on forever but it WORKS