forum Anyone That Has Questions about *Creatures* You are Welcome Here!
Started by @EternallyEris

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Hi all!

I am you friendly neighborhood expert in all things creature, whether it be mythical or nah. I'm your girl!

So come on down with your odd questions ;D

@Riorlyne pets

Ooo, I would love to know about some mythical creatures that are not just ‘part man, part horse’ or ‘part lady, part bird’. I’m looking for inspiration for some fauna in my fantasy universe and I don’t want to just splodge two Earth creatures together.


well unfortunately, most of our lovely ancestors weren't really all that creative when it came to creature creating. So in most stories mythical creatures are actually a hodgepodge of many other creatures. (think Chimera: lion-snake-goat beastie that breathes fire) BUT they did this for a reason….to teach a lesson. As all myths, legends, stories, and oral traditions are meant to be passed down as knowledge to the next generation on how to just survive.

That being said there are quite a number of really interesting mythical creatures that you could draw inspiration from and create your own. Firstly though you need to start with the basics- region (because you aint gonna have a giant snow bear that eats the souls of the wandering in a rain forest). so if your fantasy takes place in a forest you may want to have creatures along the lines of Sidhe which are elf like spirits from celtic mythology, but the cool thing about them is that they can be ANYTHING. Cats, dogs, birds, trees, you name it. They each have their own characteristics to! Horns, feathers, fins, whiskers. They can also be very mischievous, but will serve any master loyally should they become a companion or familiar.

Jezz… now that i wrote you an essay…. XD
What were you thinking for your story?
–What i mean is WHAT kind of story do you want to tell with your creatures? Because you cant have a sphinx walking around when you have a romance going on(sphinx = mystery and long journeys)… i mean you could… if you really wanted, but remember rule #1 about writing and reading: everything is a damn symbol. LOL