forum How to name inventions ????
Started by @MyNextNightmare

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I usually just name them after there creator or the latin name of the function. I created a device that makes stargates - I translated it as Stella Machina, meaning star machine in latin. Sounded cool, so I went with it.


I do sorta the same thing as @doug. I just translate the name, then change it up a bit (either by putting synonyms of that word in another language or removing and/or replacing letters. I would also try to add prefixes and suffixes to the words that MAKE SENSE. The point is to make it connected in a way that can be found out through a lot of research, but still not too obvious.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Yeah, generally when I have to name things like this, I go to google translate and translate a common name well… here's an example: English; fire sword. Galician; espada de lume. My language preference for this though is definitely Latin. But that's also a very common language, so feel free to experiment.


In the real world machines and inventions follow a kind of standard naming system. One: Is to name an invention after what it does. Example: The cotton gin which was a device that threshes cotton away from the pulp and seeds so that you get the cotton for spinning. Making it faster to process cotton. If you type gin into the search engine you get

noun: gin; plural noun: gins; noun: gin trap; plural noun: gin traps
a machine for separating cotton from its seeds.
a machine for raising and moving heavy weights.
a snare for catching game."
So gin could be a root word or etymology for machine or engine.

Two: Naming systems can also follow the person who invented the machine. Example:
Three: Naming conventions in some areas or topics can follow the person who it was discovered by and/or the person its inside of. Meaning for example a disease:
Some diseases are co-named after both the patient and the doctor.

Hope this helps! Good Luck


If your story is going for a lighthearted spin, I would go the Dr. Doofenshmirtz route and add -inator or the E. Gadd route and add a long number with a lot of zeros.

In all seriousness, I would go the practical route and call it what it is. If you've got a gun that can create portals to other dimensions, I'd call it an Interdimensional Portal Gun. Gets right to the point, and limits confusion for the average Joe.
I would also create an acronym that somehow relates it to the plot, though I would need to look up more science terms to make something coherent.


i would translate what the weapon does into some uncommonly known language. then flip a few letters and think of a way to pronoune it. good luck!


you could translate it into Latin or something, which is what a lot of people already said, but smash the words together. Example: Death Ray=In Latin: Mortuus Radium. but that's kind of long, let's smash it together to make Mordium or Mortadium.

Or an acronym is always good! P.S.C. (Particle Separating Cannon) You could even make it a super ironic acronym, like H.U.G. (Heavy Underwater Gun)


Hey, so I'm not sure if it's too late but I read some of the responses and they were great…
My take on this is:
You can name the device like an acronym for a person's name.
e.g: Sonar Augmented Radiation Airgun - S.A.R.A
An airgun that radiates the pre-absorbed soundwaves.

(I know it's not that great but that's all I could think of rn)
Using this technique can open possibilities to link characters with the weapons (character being inventor or inventor's muse) hence bringing you a complex story… or just an anecdote for your tech-savvy character to fangirl about?
But, it can cause confusion in your readers (So, extra points if you can overcome that).


So, uh… from my personal experience, I can attest to the fact that having an acronym, within an acronym is in fact a thing.

Real-life example: SPMIG (Standard PMS Materials Identification Guide); PMS (Preventative Maintenance System)

You can also apply an acronym like this: 3M (Maintenance and Material Management System)

Deleted user

I sometimes make an abbreviation for what it is, take C.A.M.P. for example (Caliber administrative of military protection) and find the right combination of words that describe it. BOOM. then I done.