forum It's times like these I wish I wasn't artistically challenged
Started by @justapettySlytherin group

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@justapettySlytherin group

Hey, I was just wondering if there are any artists out there who are way bored in quarantine and also way into drawing creatures/monsters that could give one or some of mine a go. I have lots of options because my main villain's crud is monsters and other spooky things. If anyone is interested, just let me know and I'll post some descriptions and you can go from there. Thank you!

@justapettySlytherin group

Alright, here goes. Just choose one/two you like. I don't really care which just have fun with it, I guess. Thank you!
The Crynn: Height: Around six feet at the shoulder, eight feet long
Weight: Gaunt, so under-fed that their skin stretches across their bones
Color: Hairless and sickly (almost translucent) white
Limbs: Four sharp-angled legs, thin but built almost like a cheetah's, good for pouncing
Face: Upturned fleshy lips, yellow teeth, long muzzles where the skin peels off in clumps and reveals the muscle beneath, foamy yellow eyes that are deep-set in their skulls, fox-like ears
Behavior: They walk on all fours, communicate in sounds like foxes, when they call to each other their jaws almost fully unhinge, usually found in pairs containing a vixen (female) and her dog (male)
The Kaui: Height: Close to seven feet at the shoulder, nine feet long from head to tail
Weight: Densely built, very muscular and hefty, resembles closely a saber-tooth tiger all around but specifically in build
Color: Dirty yellow/light brown with black splotches
Limbs: Four, each with a set of large black claws, has a long cat-like tail
Face: Once again, much like a saber-toothed tiger. Flat nose, long white saber-tooth tiger teeth
Behavior: Hunts by the scent of blood (much like a shark, it is attracted to it), stalks/pens you in somewhere so you can't run and from there plays cat and mouse with you, a lone hunter
The Opnij: Height: Close to five feet at the head, it is an ape-like creature so I don't think I can measure that in length
Weight: Heavy built, thick muscled arms and stout legs
Color: Reddish-brown
Limbs: Built after the stature of a gorilla except instead of two arms it has four, the second set right below the first
Face: Like a gorilla but with an unnaturally square jaw, has at least three rows of teeth
Behavior: A scouting monster that reports back to who sent it, travels in packs of five-eight, what one learns it transmits to the others through emotions/feelings until the pack learns which makes it impossible for you to kill/trick/trap all of them the same way, communicates like monkeys and apes through screeches and howls

Once again, thanks :)

@justapettySlytherin group

Questions: Does the Crynn have a tail, and what do their paws/feet/whatever look like?

No tails and their paws/feet are fox-like, just regular dog-style paws. Sorry, should've mentioned that.