forum I'll Write You A One-Shot (Maybe)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I'm creating this with no intention of binding myself to a commitment, but if you'd like a one-shot of your favorite ship, I'll try my best to write you one.

I'd prefer it if you requested real people since I like to keep things as realistic as possible, my favorite to write being bands ships (gosh, I need to hurry up and move out so I can get a tumblr account, honestly). If you have to, I suppose I wouldn't mind writing a one-shot for your OCs, but I need as much info as possible on their personalities and mannerisms since I can't just binge interviews with them. Also, if I'm not really feeling inspired, I can't garuntee what I produce will be good.

Just let me know. I may occassionally post something for myself if I get bored.