forum I'll Draw Your Characters If They Have Faceclaims
Started by @CloudyWithAChanceofSpontaneousCreativity

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What the title says. The faceclaims should be real people that I can search online, although if you have a specific image of the faceclaim that you'd like me to draw, I'll do that one.

I draw guys better on principle, but it's not impossible for me to draw girls. I haven't practiced as much with them, so it's probably not going to turn out quite as well. Just so you know.

My style is realistic, so please don't ask me to draw in a different style. I'll post a couple of pictures that I've done in the past if you'd like to see those, first.

Please note that portraits can take me anywhere from an hour or two to a couple of days, depending on the time I have and my motivation.

Finally, I retain the right to reject a request or ask for a different reference photo, if only because I'm not charging for this and I'd like to enjoy the drawing process. I don't expect this to happen very often, but just in case, I don't want anyone to be disappointed.

Ask me if you have any questions!

Pending: @TheOtherSock, @Fangirl616, @justapettySlytherin

Completed: @UnseelieKing (Ender)

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Hello, could you draw my character Ender?
They look like Sean Richard O'Pry but with black hair with purple highlights, sharp teeth, and purple eyes.


Ehh, I probably could've done better, if I'm being totally honest, but the reference was giving me trouble because of the angle his head is at. You can kinda tell I did it in about an hour, but it's not the worst I've ever done. If you want me to do another one, though, I would totally understand.


(Oh gosh you're really good…)

Ahaha, thanks. It's really not my best, but I appreciate it!

That's awesome, what's on his head?

His hand? Or do you mean his hair? Lol, this is what I meant when I said I've done better. I wasn't able to quite discern where his hair was versus the background. I probably should've just made the whole thing darker, but I was lowkey trying to finish so I could work on my AP Gov homework without feeling guilty.

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Oh no, I see it now
I just got back from a five hour practice.


So… You're okay with it? Just wanna make sure lol. I don't mind doing another one for you if you aren't happy with it.

And dang, good job… I don't know what kind of practice, but I imagine you're pretty good at it if you're putting in all that time.