forum French
Started by @Knight-Shives group

people_alt 45 followers

@Knight-Shives group

Dates, Months, Days, Birthday, Age, Numbers, Cost/Price Money

Day. Month. Year
(note never capitalize month)

La date (day) (month) (year) = The date
Aujourd 'hui = Today
Demain = Tomorrow


janvier = January
fevrier =February
mars = March
avril = April
mai = May
juin = June
juillet = July
aout = August
septembre = September
octobre = October
novembre = November
decembre = December


Lundi =Monday
Mardi = Tuesday
Mercredi = Wednesday
Jeundi = Thursday
Vendredi = Friday
Samdi = Saturday
Dimanche = Sunday


Q - Quelle-est la date ton anniversaire? = When is your birthday?

A - Mon anniversaire c'est le_________ = My birthday is…
C'est le = It is…


Q- Quell âge as tu? =How old are you?
Tu as quell âge? = How old are you?
A- J'ai #__ans = I'm __# years.

Boy Q- Il quell âge? = How old is he?
Quell âge a t'il? = How old is he?

Boy A- Il a__#ans. = He is __# years.

Girl Q- Elle quell âge? = How old is she?
Quell âge a t'ellel? = How old is she?

Girl A- elle a__#ans. = she is __# years.


Zero = zero
Un = one
Duex = two
Trois = three
Quatre = four
Cinq = five
Six = six
Sept = seven
Huit = eight
Neuf = nine

Dix = Ten
Onze = eleven
Douze = twelve
Treize = thirteen
Quatorze = fourteen
Quinze = fifteen
Seize = sixteen
Dix-sept = seventeen
Dix-huit = eighteen
Dix-neuf = nineteen

Vingt = twenty
Vingt-et-un = twenty one
Vingt -_(add #)__ = twenty…

Trente =Thirty
Trente-et-un =Thirty one
Trente - (add #) =Thirty…

Quarante = Forty
Quarante-et-un = Forty
Quarante- (add #) = Forty…

Cinquante =Fifty
Cinquante-et-un =Fifty one
Cinquante- (add #) =Fifty…

Soixante =Sixty
Soixante-et-un =Sixty
Soixante- (add #) =Sixty…

Soixante-dix =Seventy
Soixante-et-onze =Seventy one
Soixante- (add #) =Seventy…
(Note- for the add #, must be between 12-19)

Quatre-Vingts =Eighty
Quatre-Vingt-un =Eighty one
Quatre-Vingt- (add #) =Eighty…

Quatre-Vingt-dix =Ninety
Quatre-Vingt-onze =Ninety
Quatre-Vingt- (add #) =Ninety…
(Note- for the add #, must be between 12-19)

Cent = one hundred
(add #) - cent = … hundred

Mille = one thousand
(add #) - mille = … mille

Un million = one million
(add #) - million = … million

Costs and Money:
Euro symbol = €

Q- Ça fait combien? = How much is that?
Combien ça coute? = How much does that cost?

A- Ça fait __€ = That is __
Ça coute __€ = That is __

@Knight-Shives group

Thank you:

Merci = Thank you (formal)


Derien = you're welcome (formal)
Je vous en prie = you're welcome (formal)
Il n'y pas de quoi = you are welcome (informal)


Je ten prie = please (informal)

@The-Magician group

Alternatively, you can use Il n'y a pas de quoi and also add a verb. Since the phrase translates literally into there is no reason to you can use verbs such as to worry or to be embarrassed. Par exemple, il n'y a pas de quoi s'inquiéter. (there is nothing to worry about.)