forum Fantasy World Maps
Started by @Knight-Shives group

people_alt 40 followers

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Okay, bear with me:

So, my world actually is compromised of several worlds, but I would like to request that you draw the five main ones.
In the center, with the rest circling around it, is Origin. This is shrouded in a deep fog, and no one can see what the world looks like except for a single metal pole sticking out of the fog about two feet.
Closest to this is Paradise. It is a world of pearl-rose, rounded skyscrapers, and a deep blue-green ocean. It is one half the size of Origin. Perhaps you could draw one of the buildings of fire? Not necessary though.
The next world is connected to Paradise, the edges of the two touching. This is called Refuge. It is roughly one fourth the size of Paradise. It has a diner-like building in the center, called Sun's Shadow. There is a road that encircles Sun's Shadow, and this spikes out at north, west, east, and south, and identical houses line all four roads.
Farther out, there is the world Monster Wars. It is a war-ravaged world, with two headquarters. The one above ground is the Human headquarter, wich is a large gray concrete square. The headquarter below ground is the Monster headquarter. This is a large series of tunnels with bioluminescent mushrooms lighting reach room.
The final world, and farthest from Origin is End. This world is basically a giant ball of shadow.

I'm sorry if this is super complex. You don't have to do it if you don't want to.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

That looks os good!

Well, for Origin there's only the clouds surrounding it, and that's all that should be marked.
For Paradise, the Eastern side has an ocean, which is about one fourth the landmass. Also, there's a small mountain range in the North.
For Refuge, it's simply one giant plain, with very few rivers.
For Monster's War, the above ground is dotted with forests, a dessert in the South, and mountains in the center.
For End, the darkness in it occasionally peaks into mountains, but this is scarce.

Is this good?