forum Anyone up for being my artist?
Started by Gazelle

people_alt 46 followers


I want to finally work up the motivation to write this comic I've had in mind for a few months now, but I simply can't do the artwork myself. I need someone else to draw it, and to beat me into writing it, and to bounce ideas off to make sure what I'm writing isn't just trash. At the moment it's just a passion project with no plans for making money from it, but if it did (and if I got the opportunity I'm taking it) it would be split 50/50 without question. Would prefer an amateur like myself, and I prefer a messy art style, although still clearly defined.

I don't check this very often anymore, I might be late responding to messages. I'll explain the comic in DM's, but a basic synopsis is a dark comedy story about a high school gang who have to fight their way to the top while enduring the problems that come with becoming an adult.