forum Anyone need maps for their stories? I can draw maps for free...
Started by @eztliraldclairinda

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@Fangirl616 group

So… this isn't for a story, but it's for A D&D campaign. I don't have any requirements, it just needs to be kinda medieval set and have a couple mapped out kingdoms and towns. I completely understand if you don't want to. Thank you for your time.


I'd like one for a large-ish island area. The premise of it is that it was once civilized(nothing too crazy though) and rumored to be cursed. One of the volcanoes on it(there are three) erupted with almost no prior indications and caused a fire that few people could escape from. The island grew back, but nobody really wanted to move there because uhh active volcano blows up on "cursed" island and eventually superhumans started showing up so the government yeeted them onto this abandoned place as a means of getting rid of them(they were seen as dangerous and a threat). I'd imagine there are a lot of burned/damaged/decayed buildings and stuff, some wooded areas, and some more rocky areas near the volcanoes.

I don't really have much planned out, so if there's anything you want to add or change, just let me know so I can make sure to factor it into the story. Also, how long do you think it would take you to make this? Just so I can plan for when I'll be able to work more on the plot(making characters right now).


Would you be willing to draw one of mine?

Sure! Just send me the information and I'll start on it as soon as I can. Do you have a specific date you need it done by?


Would you be willing to draw one of mine?

Sure! Just send me the information and I'll start on it as soon as I can. Do you have a specific date you need it done by?

No I dont have a specific date and lemme work out the details of the thing and I'll tell you