forum aesthetic boards for ur characters (closed until further notice)
Started by @d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

people_alt 54 followers


Hey, I have a character, could you make a board for her?

Her name is Frankie, she's a grunge guitarist who does witchcraft and dumb/mildly illegal things with her best friend Sebastian. She's a giant lesbian who lives on spite and caffeine alone. Doesn't take care of herself at all. Lowkey sad.

Deleted user

k so @SaggicornMessIsVeryTiredOfBeingHome the links u gave me lead to private characters, could u fix that pls so i can see em? thanks very much :DDD

should be fixed…

Deleted user

ok so @GhostOfNotebooksPast, here's ur first one

i gotta do some other things right now, so i'll get on your others in a few hours :))))

okay that is so cute

@V01DtheFae group

there wasn't a lot of info on her so i had to improvise a lot but i hope it vibes~

and uhh Sinsoki

and here's lilac!

i would appreciate if you could download them and let me know when you do, so i can delete them from my file holder. thank you! :)

All downloaded and I love them also the Dominic one is spot on. She loves Spirited Away