forum What's included in the source code?
Started by @gabl

people_alt 62 followers


If you compile the source code of Notebook and run it yourself, does it include the features of the free version, or the paid version (e.g. extra object types)? Also, are there instructions for compiling using Windows instead of Ubuntu? (yes I'm a normie Windows user)

Not asking because I don't want to support this great product, just because I can't afford paying $84/year. (If I ever can, that's going to be one of the first things I do.)

Thanks for your help.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

The source code is the full source code (all free and paid features), but there are some hardware/instructure-like stuff that's also set up for the site that also need manually set up locally if you want to take advantage of them (for example, signing up for an IBM Watson API key for document analyses, setting up your own database snapshotting/rollbacks/redundancy, linking an AWS account & creating an S3 bucket for image uploads, etc). Theoretically, it should all run on Windows (and I think some people have set it up over the years), but I haven't tested it so there might be a few bumps.

I've written up some in-depth installation/setup instructions on GitHub to replicate how the code is set up on, but some of the steps are still in progress (because, for example, I just pay Heroku to manage my database backups, snapshots, etc and don't have instructions on how to set up an all-local version).

Of course, I'm always happy to help if you hit bumps. Just ask in the GitHub issues! :)