forum Website very slow
Started by @Leatherfaceofficial group

people_alt 85 followers

@Leatherfaceofficial group

Is the website being very slow for anyone else in the past month or so? I love this website, but I've been having connection problems that have made it pretty hard to use recently.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Honestly I’ve been having the same issue on/off, but I can’t tell if it’s the website itself or my horrible internet connection (both wifi and cellular service sucks where I live)


I've been experiencing the same thing. It takes upwards of a minute or two for most pages to load for me, sometimes shorter if I'm on my phone! It's maybe not ideal, but for the most part everything does eventually load.

*I also want to add, though—the loading time is consistent regardless of what wifi I'm using in the moment.

@the-void-galactic language

It seems to be different for people across the board, honestly, there’s no telling whether it’s the fault of bad WiFi, old devices, or the site itself

Because I have great internet connection but an old faulty iPad, but notebook only really lags for me when it’s a site based issue or the WiFi connectivity is faulty

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey all, I'm aware of the issue and working to make sure things smooth out a bit. The site's traffic has nearly doubled in the last month, leading to a lot more strain on the servers. Unfortunately, a pretty decent chunk of that new traffic is from spammers trying to mass-create accounts; our automated systems block most of their sign-ups, but I'm working on a better solution that prevents the traffic altogether and frees those servers resources back up for real people. I've gone ahead and spun up another server to help ease the load in the meantime though, so hopefully it shouldn't be quite as bad while I figure out a solution! Really sorry about the inconvenience here, but thank you for pointing it out!