forum um...banning people from pages?
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 50 followers

Deleted user

No, like, making people physically unable to post in a chat

Deleted user

Yeah, I'd love that because some people get very heated in certain chats and they say some pretty triggering stuff.


That would also get around them trying to create another account, so long as their IP address remains the same then it should be alright I know nothing of coding and how this would be possible

Deleted user

how so? I feel as though if someone doesn't want you to post in their chat, for any reason, they should be allowed to do it


Well there should definitely be a way to un-ban users at least.
With roleplays and stuff I see no problem with this idea
But I feel like General Chat drama would just take a massive turn for the worst and I don’t want to witness that…
This place could turn into an absolute heck hole really fast with one click of a button-

Deleted user

We'll never make everyone happy, so why not make the chat owners who don't want certain people in their chats happy? Forget what happens afterwords. If the person getting banned is mad, they should've looked at the rules more closely ¯_(ツ)_/¯