forum Two Questions
Started by @ladysamxoxo

people_alt 71 followers


First I think Basil is stuck generating an image for me lol. It's been seven days and I don't know how to cancel it or make it finish up. Help?

Second, is it possible for us to get a function to be able to set a display picture on a character profile? Like, currently all of the uploaded images will rotate out and that irritates me more than it probably should.

Thanks :)

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Haha, this does sound like Basil tripped and had an issue! Looks like there have been a few images that Basil never reported finished. I just marked them all done so you can see them now, and I'll add a little check somewhere to automatically do this – I bet there was just a tiny network hiccup whenever the image was being generated and it didn't report properly.

As for setting a display picture, there isn't currently a feature for it but it's something I'm working on now. In the meantime, I'm considering just making every page's first image their default image instead of rotating between them all, but hopefully eventually you'll be able to designate multiple display images that you can rotate between – or just set one to always use.


That's a perfect alternative actually because the first images I uploaded are the ones I want as their display haha. I'll be happy when you get that feature worked out. :)

Thanks andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)!