These are really minor but I figured I'd let you know :)
In the "general worldbuilding" forum the header links me to languages and I believe universes would make more sense here?
The full list of recently-edited pages (when clicking on "recently edited pages" in the header > "more…") doesn't seem to update properly. (The pop-up list appearing when just clicking on the header button seems up-to-date, in contrast.)
I don't know how many people this affects but I would love if, for the purposes of alphabetical ordering, letters with accents would be recognized as that letter instead of a special sign. I have a character named Ángel and the poor dude is stuck at the bottom of the list.
Overall I love the new site design though!
To second what standingondesks has mentioned, I have a few characters whose names start with accented letters and letters not in the English alphabet (Áren, Ælli), and it does seem weird for them to be dropped to the bottom of the list! It’s not a huge issue though.
Something else I have noticed is that on Safari on my phone (iPhone) the header options for worldbuilding are abbreviated (like “New…” “Dis…” etc.) to save space, but that makes it difficult to remember which link links to what. Maybe icons would fit better (plus icon for “add new”, list icon for “view all”, etc.). On Safari on iPad, the header options don’t abbreviate, which is fine for the most part, but on page types that have long names it means that the last link (Customise Template) is not shown. Characters and Governments are showing this issue.
Update on issue #2: It seems the list updates when the title/name of a page is changed, but not when any of the other fields are edited.
These are super weird issues indeed! I think I've just about got a fix for all but Safari on iPhone (but I'm working on that) that should go out tonight. Thanks for pointing these out. :)
I still need to figure out the sorting, but #1 and #2 should be fixed now with this release. Thanks for the heads up, both of y'all. :)
The recently-edited list looks good now but the recently-created list is messed up. But thank you for the hard work (and it's still not a pressing issue :))