forum New here. How to collaborate?
Started by @larkspurbetula

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So I recently discovered this awesome website. Me and my friends have a shared google doc where we work on characters and world building, and i was wondering, is it possible to do something like that with a universe or something?

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey there!

As @Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars said, all you have to do is create a universe and add them by email address on the contributors tab. If they don't have a account, they'll get an invitation to sign up; if they have an account already under that email address, they'll instantly become a collaborator for that universe and every page in it.

Anyone you invite to be a collaborator in your universes will have full access to view and edit any pages in that universe. They’re treated as an owner to that page, just like you are, so they’ll have access to pages even if they’re private. Please only invite collaborators that you trust with that responsibility.

As an additional bonus, you will automatically share your Premium subscription with each collaborator. Even if your collaborators are on a free account, they will be able to create or edit any kind of premium page they’d like within your shared universe.


I added a collaborator to a universe, and we both made characters in said universe, but I can't see what she created so it's almost as though they never existed. Should I be able to see her characters?


This isn't a reply, moreso my own question. Me and a few friends all participate in the same universe that I created and as such, they want my template for characters in the world. However, it doesn't come automatically included when they create their own character. So I'm wondering if the only way for them to have all the categories, is by adding them manually. As right now only my characters contain all intended categories.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

@Mystifly Right now, whenever you create a page it defaults to whatever your template for that page is, regardless of the universe. Eventually I'd like to change it to inherit from the universe (so you can have different templates per universe), but there are lot of problems with longevity (e.g. what happens if you move a character from one universe to another?) I still need to work out.

In the meantime, I've found the best thing to do is to have a few "placeholder" pages in the universes you collaborate in. For example, if you want to share your universe (and your template) with some friends, you can create a few blank characters in that universe and tag them with "Placeholder" (or designate them however you want). They'll get your template since you created them, and your friends can edit them to fill in the real data whenever they'd like.