forum Missing Image Storage Space
Started by @ShadowMole Beta Tester

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@ShadowMole Beta Tester

Hello, I've never really uploaded images before, so I never noticed, but as a premium user, I appear to only have 250 mb available for images instead of 10 gb.

@ShadowMole Beta Tester

Is there any movement on this? Just wondering because I would like to begin uploading more images, but am waiting until I know if I am stuck at my current limit or if I am going to have the correct limit.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey @ShadowMole, sorry I missed this! The beta testers that got free-for-life premium were originally upgraded from 50 mb to 250 mb, but I just added the full 10GB you'd have with regular premium on top of your original beta tester bump, so you should be good to go now.

Happy to upgrade any other beta testers from back in the day if they'd like that bump too. :)