I'm not really a strong part of the community on here so forgive me if I'm ignorant on something. I was hoping someone could help me find a tool to help me better visualize the relationships of my characters. My story has many characters with complex ties that go beyond best-friend and enemy or simply sibling of. I love using Notebook.ai but in this specific instance it is falling short for me and i'd rather not spread my story information too much.
There is a link feature for enemies, friends, and family members in the family and social tabs. And I believe a family tree feature is in the works.
In the meantime you might try a family tree application?
Thank you Starlight-Wolf. I was aware of the link feature but I was hoping for something more complex. It is reassuring to hear that something is being worked on though so that's great.
Yeah, if you look around the suggestion threads there is talk about it, though I don't know if there is a timeline. (And I can totally agree with those hopes)
Looks over at massive mess of character arcs and relationships…..
Ah. You suffer beside me I see.
Yeeeeessssssssssss yes I do…..
(Tis why I popped up when I saw this thread, cause I'm like… Oh, this person is in the same boat as me!)
A time line would also be a useful feature on this site. At the moment i'm forced to keep track of my world order of events by using Excel and power point, Not as confusing as you might think but it's still a hassle and something I would gladly be rid of.
Excel and poerpoint huh? That's actually a really really good idea…..
And that would be another one that is in the works…. it's right up there with the family trees, and I believe they're pretty much on the same level.
The links are useful though and i'm happy they work well enough it's just frustrating that I don't know the specifics of familial ties. I have a lot of bastards and half-siblings in my world. As well as twins and triplets. it would be helpful to know that certain characters were twins, cousins, half-siblings excreta without having to scroll through their bio.
Thanks, but it was actually my friends idea. She noticed me struggling and helped out.