So I'm trying to do some worldbuilding in between schoolwork, and I was trying to hide a few fields that I don't use…(Eg. Age, height, weight, role) Every time I try to hide them, (not delete them) I get an error, and it doesn't hide.
So is anyone else having this issue?
And can it be fixed? (cause that'd be really awesome….)
Update: I can't add fields either…
What browser are you using?
This is also happening with me. Except in getting an Error 500, I'm getting a blank white screen that doesn't change when refreshed. I'm on an iPad with Chrome.
I will check back later after class!
I get an Error 400 whenever I try it…. I'm using a Chromebook, (It is a school issued one if that counts for anything…)
I'm pretty sure I had the same issue on my phone, and personal chromebook, (I am in class and can't check those right now…)
Thanks! I'll look into it and find out what's up (and get it fixed for you).
Thanks!! BTW This site is still awesome no matter what the teeny issue!!