forum How to see favourites?
Started by @storyshifter pets

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@storyshifter pets

I haven't been able to find like.. a list of the pages I've favourited - like for example, I like someone else's character, so I favourite the page. How do I see pages that I've favourited?

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Alright, well, you have to start by going to the page I have shown below.


On this page, you can see the little bar above my three characters, Addison, Allya, and Apollo. It gives you different options to filter your characters (an/or objects). Zoomed in, (below current text) You can see it has, filter by universe, filter by tag/s, filter by favorites, and then filter by name. (Left to right). Clicking on the star will take you to your favorites (I only used characters, but it works for others the same)


As I don't have any favorites (currently!), you can see there is nothing there. But I have made characters, I've just not put them in this particular section. This page is what brings you to your favorites. (Seen below)

I hope that helped!

@storyshifter pets

Thank you! @RainyDayArtist
How can I see other people's characters that I've favourited, since this only shows mine? Thank you for your help.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Oh, oof. Looks like the star to favorite pages is mistakenly showing on pages that aren't yours. You can click it but it won't actually favorite them.

Favoriting other peoples' pages is a cool idea (and I'll probably add it), but for now the only pages you can favorite are your own. Sorry about the confusion there!

@storyshifter pets

Oh, thank you! I actually put a suggestion on favouriting other people's characters and then I noticed that the star was on other people's pages and I thought I was suggesting a feature that was already added. Thank you