forum Exporting
Started by Amber Yetter

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@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Right now all the export functionality exports everything on the site, but specifying which universes and which kinds of pages within those universes is on the to-do list. Basically, I wanted to make sure everything was included and available in the first version and haven't got around to improving it yet. If you've got any feedback on how else you'd like the exports to work/improve, I'd love to hear that too. :)

I hope to improve this soon, but right now the exports just export everything. Sorry about that!

Amber Yetter

This is a really important feature to have for anyone working offline or using this as a companion to other software. I would like to see a feature where you could at least export a single universe and all files associated with it. Perfect would be if you could could chose individually what files you want to export. As it is now I'm not sure how useful this site will be long term over multiple projects unless I find a work around.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Thanks, I completely agree. I'm wrapping up improvements in the document editor right now and looking for the next project to start on afterward, so I'll spend some time planning out how to get exports more granular and more usable and probably tackle that next.

Just to clarify on your perfect case, when you say choosing individually what files to export, do you mean specific pages (for example, seeing a list of your characters and checking off which ones you want to include in the export), or do you mean those groupings of pages (for example, seeing a list of "characters", "locations", "landmarks", etc) and checking off which groups to include in the export? I think both are obviously important, but knowing how people plan to use the feature helps with prioritizing which to build first. :)

Thanks again for the feedback; I appreciate it!

Deleted user

This is a really important feature to have for anyone working offline or using this as a companion to other software. I would like to see a feature where you could at least export a single universe and all files associated with it. Perfect would be if you could could chose individually what files you want to export. As it is now I'm not sure how useful this site will be long term over multiple projects unless I find a work around.

alright calm down, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) is working on it. He can't just do a thousand things at once. You're gonna have to wait for all the things you asked for to be done. He's put a lot of work into this site and i'm sure there is more to be done.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey there, all is well. Part of an evolving, in-progress site is that the goalposts are always moving, and that's awesome. The site is always improving and I have a million different ideas of where to take it next at any point, so hearing feedback on what's important and what's not is a good way to help me judge what to work on next.

I appreciate the feedback. :)


Thanks, I completely agree. I'm wrapping up improvements in the document editor right now and looking for the next project to start on afterward, so I'll spend some time planning out how to get exports more granular and more usable and probably tackle that next.

Just to clarify on your perfect case, when you say choosing individually what files to export, do you mean specific pages (for example, seeing a list of your characters and checking off which ones you want to include in the export), or do you mean those groupings of pages (for example, seeing a list of "characters", "locations", "landmarks", etc) and checking off which groups to include in the export? I think both are obviously important, but knowing how people plan to use the feature helps with prioritizing which to build first. :)

Thanks again for the feedback; I appreciate it!

@andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) This full exporting would be beneficial for us. I run an outlining/worldbuilding/outlining service business for authors and I create a lot of worlds/universes and elements within them. It would be really awesome if at the very least I can export a particular universe. Right now, whenever I export, I have to export everything and then do a lot of deletions at my end. Such things can also be confusing and time-consuming. This is the reason I don't create more than 1 universe right now and I keep editing/modifying that universe every time after exporting all the details to Excel or TXT files and then uploading them to places where I usually keep my backups. It would be really good if you incorporate this small functionality into your application. It is not really a challenging thing to do you for your software team. In the Export section (Data Vault), the page should just list the universes the user has created. When a user clicks to export said universe and chooses a format, the software should automatically search the database for the identifier corresponding to the universe and retrieve all data and collate it before sending it as a file of chosen format like it is already being done. Also, even individual items can be exported. like usual. This functionality is really helpful. I'm surprised that the website hasn't rolled this out. I know you are working on the document editor updates etc, but this primarily is a software that supports the worldbuilding and character development process rather than a text editor like Scrivener or Word. So, basically, focus more on these updates to the website, which will be really helpful? A text editor and an outliner are added bonuses and may be rolled out in a phased manner, but I am sure many will agree that the full export functionality should be added to the priority list?

daelstrom Premium Supporter

A possible consideration for exports could be customised lists for use as text prompts for ChatGPT and the like.
For instance, exporting particular character traits for use with roleplaying encounters to create dialogue for DMs, or batch creation of missing fields and autogenerating content