forum Cannot search for disscusions?
Started by @Oakiin

people_alt 58 followers


Hey! Every time I try to search for a thread, I get an application error, that will not go away…Not sure why!

@requiemisback language

following this thread bc i've been having similar problems
i go and try to hunt down old threads via the search bar but it comes up with an error screen D:

@requiemisback language

i hope we get a solution soon
it would definitely help with finding old threads either i or my friends were involved in and look back through them for old times sake ;w; i mean, that's why i've been using the search tool anyway-

@Pizzaz11 group

It sucks that this is happening, but at this point when I want to find old discussions I just go to the data vault and click on the discussions option


There is always the data vault if your looking for old rps. It has every thread you've ever posted to or created if that helps.


No idea how to access that! Didn't even know it was a thing. Thanks for telling me, how to I get there??

@Pizzaz11 group

No idea how to access that! Didn't even know it was a thing. Thanks for telling me, how to I get there??

Go to the data vault and scroll down until you see the blue discussion activity button. Press that and scroll all the way down, and look for the thing labeled activity tracker. Then you can see the discussions you've created, the ones you've posted to, and the ones you're following.