forum Your ideal feedback/critique?
Started by @Riorlyne pets

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@Riorlyne pets

Hello lovely writers,

I’ve been looking through some threads either asking for and offering critique and it’s really cool to see the different ways that people give feedback, which leads me to my question. What sort of feedback do you prefer to receive?

For me, I like a detailed critique that picks up grammar and spelling and any times the reader was pulled out of the story due to some element not working, along with, if possible, the reason it wasn’t working. But I also like knowing when the reader laughed, or gasped in surprise, or had a moment of connection with one of the characters, or really loved a bit of worldbuilding - because that shows me that my writing is having the effect I intended!


Honestly, the best type of feedback I've had is the feedback I've received from you. Not trying to flatter you or anything, but you did everything right. You offered suggestions, corrected grammar, gave your reactions, and commented on characterization/dialogue. Overall, that's really all I'd want from a critique. Just genuine criticism from one writer to another.

@Riorlyne pets

@"Write Like You're Running Out Of Time" - Awww, thank you! <3 I honestly try to give the sort of critique I'd like to receive, though I do sometimes worry that I come down a little hard on people who are just trying to be creative.


I absolutely love detailed critiques. I don't get feedback on my stories, but rather on my characters. I like when people are like "Hey, I don't understand" or like "Hey! You can improve on this!" and stuffs.