So in my universe, I have a race of people whose culture revolves around art, specifically dance and song, and prayer. It really began because, for some time, they were enslaved and forbidden to speak as they worked. In order to communicate and keep hope up, they'd hum these complex songs together in their chain gangs, or create these kind of stomp dances with their chains. There's this moment where they sing out loud for the first time in a long time, after being freed. Their revolution begins with small a group overtaking their overseers and then breaking into their freedom song. It goes like this:
Song of Freedom:
O Bountiful Earth
Freed at last we are
Forgive we you
For forced to commit, by you, sin
O Endless Sky
Greet again we you
See we you
Pray to deny never we
Sorry about the grammar, but the only English version I saved is in the grammar of the language I created for them. This song came about because the group initially freed were miners, who'd been made to stay in the mines for days at a time. These people believe in two gods, the Earth and the Sky, and so their freedom song is about not blaming the Earth, and rejoicing in seeing the Sky (also, in their language, the word for sky is the same for freedom.) However, that's just the beginning. The revolution finally ends when everyone is freed, in one crazy battle where everyone sheds their chains and go into a blood frenzy where they attack and kill anyone who doesn't look like them. After they calm, they feel intense remorse, pain, joy, etc. And they sing for hours in lamentation and rejoice. This becomes a yearly celebration for them, where people sing and dance for hours to the Sky and Earth, and children are initiated as being part of the community. That hours long song becomes a big part of their culture, but I'm not sure how I should write it.
Should it be a modified repetition of what I have above (since not all those enslaved were miners), or a very long song with multiple verses that add onto that ^^^. Should it be praises to the gods, or like a retelling of their struggles? I'm not really sure. Also, I kind of don't want it to be so long because translating it is a pain. Like:
Ah Sanat delan!
Dalekeskak analesh menake motan
Idilinake Menake
Tlashekeskak ita ilishke
Ah Salakna daleke!
Kalenakeak ekilash menake motan
Shikishkeke menake motan
Lemitlake kilika ishek menake
This is a language I've made up on my own and writing just this took me about an hour. However, if writing a longer song would add some authenticity, I'm willing to do it. I can always make "shortcuts."