forum Which Story Idea?
Started by @-WritingReading-

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I’ve come up with two story ideas, and I’m not sure which one to do. Help?

Story ideas:
~ Pirates (based off Pirates of the Caribbean - The Black Pearl)

  • All female crew?
  • every pirate afraid to see their flag
  • someone soon curses the female captain
  • everyone scoffs at it, but a week later, the captain discovers the curse is real
  • she tells her crew, some leave because they are scared
  • she and the rest of her crew have to find the cure for the curse

~ Magic??

  • witches get burned
  • one ‘apprentice’ witch, her mentor is GOOD, and so are all witches
  • the two witches are in hiding, so they aren’t burned
  • one day, the mentor is discovered, but before they take her away, she leaves a note to her apprentice. All this time, the apprentice has been told that they are the last witches, but it’s not true. The mentor has been in hiding from those witches as well, because she suggested that the witches live in peace with the humans, but the other witches felt that this was a disgrace.
  • her apprentice must flee the country before it’s too late, and they find her and burn her.
  • the apprentice must now convince the witches to live in peace, so no more are burnt. (could turn into a series?)

I think I’m most likely to do the second option, because it’s more developed, and if I do the first one, it’ll probably seem too much like the Pirates of the Craibbean (I absolutely LOVE those movies, though!!)