forum These Are Really Popular So...Critique My Little Kiddo?
Started by @PuffPoff

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So I have this character, Micah, that I love with all my heart but I feel like he needs…something. Please help me by critiquing? Use constructive criticism only thanks!
Here he is: Spencer M. Porter (Rp version)


Okay! Let's start with mannerisms. Only one? Most people have several. Think about it. I, for one, peel my nails, play with my curls, make a weird face when focusing, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Add a few more to make him seem more human. His motivation is a little weak. Those things motivate practically everyone in the world. Be a little more specific. He could use more flaws, although I really like the ones you do include. I think more detail is needed in personality type, too. You say he's both social and not confident? How does that manifest? Is he more social around some people, but more reclusive around others? Does it frustrate him that he doesn't have much confidence? Etc. No prejudice? No politics? Those are the uglier but very important parts of a person. I can't see the backstory.

Otherwise, I think he's adorable! I love his floofy hair. Great job and good luck :D