forum The Darkness Within (Discont., see latest post) [Sharing & Critiques]
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Deleted user

Lmao just kidding. I'll keep this going for a while, so don't worry.
I reworked the prologue after a while of procrastinating. I think it turned out tons better than the first one I wrote, mainly because things make more sense, I guess. So if you have the sudden urge to give it a reread, I won't stop you.
Here's the updated link.
The Darkness Within - Prologue (The Praying Princess)
But I need an opinion on something. After rereading the prologue and several of the earlier chapters, I realize that a TON of work needs to be done on multiple aspects – plot, character development, and other things too. I was wondering, would it be best to go back and clean up things and add things as best as I can, or should I just keep chugging onward with the plot and write chapter 19? The thing about progressing through chapter 19 is that down the line, there will eventually be parts of the story that don't make sense because certain aspects are missing that I didn't include earlier, but decided to include it in future edits.
About going back and reworking stuff, it may be a while before any "new" content is released (aka, chapter 19)
So I was wondering what I should do.

Deleted user

Okay, this is the end of the line.
Unfortunately, I cannot keep this going any longer. I have this going in two different places, not including notebook, and I'm having a hard time keeping track of changes I made to one forum but not the other, and it's a massive mess. I also figured since no one is critiquing this story that I'll just leave this be and tend to the other forums, where I have better control over managing my fanfic and updates and things.
It's really unfortunate, but I'm not getting any feedback besides the first two chapters, and it's just not enough to keep this going on this forum.
If anyone out there wants to keep reading the fanfic, then I'll leave links to the two other forums below where there will be access to the links and the fanfic, essentially. But I can't keep updating this when I'm managing it so poorly.
MOTHER Forever - The Darkness Within - The Darkness Within