forum the brainworms have taken over
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

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@larcenistarsonist group

ooooooogh sorry i made you cry but then again i am not sorry that is just the reaction i want out of this story lasdjfand ogh,, dang,, character that's changed the most since their original concept,,,, I have a couple tbh-

  • Shea Tomatuk-Desmond: originally named Sheaenna Garner and she was straight and white. Now she is a disaster bisexual and native Canadian! Shea's powers were originally wind-related and she was actually a Ninjago OC. She is, well, no longer a Ninjago OC. While she was still an OC, I changed her powers from Wind to Fear Control, but then I moved out of the Ninjago fandom and I was too attached to her to just leave her with the fandom, so I brought her with me to my own original worldbuilding! Shea also… got stupider to say the least. She is my himbo,,, I love her so much. In her original backstory she was kidnapped as a kid and kept as a "training target" for the kidnapper's daughter. She eventually got to grow more powerful and broke out of her captor's control. I kind of kept this the same, I just changed it to be more relevant to my post-apocolyptic world instead of the LEGO Ninjago world alskdjf 

  • Bianca Wong: her name was originally Bianca Lane and she also used to be white and straight and now she is Chinese/Mexican and a raging lesbian… She was also a LEGO Ninjago OC. She was the leader of an area known as Thieves' County, an area she inherited from her father after he died of lung cancer. She had kind of an oligarchy where it was her and five other people and they were actually called the six which is where the Six that I have today were kind of birthed from. The OLD six had been Bianca, her fiance Bruce, Jeb, Crimson, Dove, and Browning. The only three that I have kept have been Bianca, Jeb, and Crimson. All three of them have changed quite the amount since I first created them. Anyways, in Bianca's original backstory, it had been her fiance who was killed right in front of her, but now it's her father. Still the trauma, but this time she's younger and not straight. Also, instead of Thieves' County, she's the leader of Concordia, which is in a very similar canyon/desert setting as Thieves' County. 

  • Crimson Rhoad: also originally a LEGO Ninjago OC, and she was a sidekick to Bianca in her group! Crimson was originally kind of the "mom friend" and she definitely moved into "wine aunt" territory. I never had much on Crimson to begin with, and if I'm being entirely honest, I still don't have a lot on her. 

To be completely honest, a lot of my characters started out as OCs, but as I'm moving away from a lot of "fandom" type stuff, I've also started making a lot of my characters from scratch if that makes sense. I do have a couple fandom OCs right now that I might recycle if I move on from the fandom, but that's not a promise akdsfa thanks for the question!!!

@larcenistarsonist group


So context for this world,,, I don't have a ton of worldbuilding on it yet, but imagine some high-tech fantasy kind of similar to Nimona on netflix if you've seen it! there's also some darker, grittier elements to it like from Arcane. So yeah. Sci-fi, fantasy type of deal!

So in this world there is crime (omg shocker) and in this world they need police (fantasy cops) to deal with the crime. but (omg shocker) the fantasy cops suck at their jobs or they're jsut doing it wrong or just doing shit that regular cops do so yeah acab

This is where our funky fun group comes into play. These five are vagabond mercenaries that kind of came together after they were kind of framed for some cataclysmic event (a castle got exploded). These five were (probably) not responsible and now live their lives running from the law and doing funky fun odd jobs to make money and get by. These five are

  • Beo they/them
    Beo is the tiny, small, and feral leader of this group. They are small but mighty and fully believe that they can get out of any situation if they throw enough hands. Beo loves the color yellow and is constantly wearing it which makes it kind of hard to be sneaky, but Beo also doesn't give two shits about being sneaky. the queen can come kick their ass if she wants. Beo would like to see her try. Beo is also a menace with a morningstar and if you don't know what a morningstar is think of a really spiky metal ball on a stick. Yeah.

  • Ingrid she/her
    Ingrid is a buff bimbo which might edge her into himbo territory but i am unsure. somebody called her a muscle mommy so I believe that could be the correct terminology. Anyways, Ingrid is stupid as shit and uses every bit of her blonde beauty to persuade and manipulate (gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss fr) and if that doesn't work, she just takes out her flail and bashes some heads. she loves small things (she's constantly picking Beo up and putting them on her shoulders) and the colors pink and purple and is no stranger to violence.

  • Lars he/him
    Lars is Ingrid's younger brother and is always trying to outshine everyone in the group. he fully believes that he is the hottest shit imaginable and is always like "omg everyone look at me right now i am going to do somehting really cool" and then everyone looks at him and omg it was actually kind of cool. internally he's always baffled by his ability to do things like "omg what??? i?? jsut did that??? i must've looked so cool omg". he just wants to pull all of the maidens all the time. Lars has my favorite weapon of all time which is the glaive

  • Isla she/her
    Isla looks like she should be compitent enough to not be with this group of idiots, but she is just as stupid, if not stupider. Isla has bad amnesia and she forgets how to do everyday tasks, but that's okay. she just needs a chaperone a lot to make sure she doesn't wander into extremely dangerous territory. Isla cannot tell her lefts and rights apart and will explode if you try to give her directions to a place. she's a little lost but that's okay. she has a broadsword because why not

  • Jensen???? he/him
    I have not named this guy yet and I could use some help to do so. he is an absolute KRONK of a man, a total himbo if you will. he is tall and broad and JACKED and it's almost comical how buff he is. even though he is buff, this guy is so clueless of everything that happens around him. my guy is UNAWARE of every situation. he has people of all genders falling at his feet and trying to get him to notice them , but he is… not observant in the slightest. Lars is so jealous of his clueless rizz. he has a battle axe that is bigger than Beo

SO YEAH those are these five idiots that are now living in my brain

@squiddicus language

aaaaa I love this so much!! they're all so silly! also in love with the setting; fantasy and sci-fi are my favourite genres so I'd absolutely eat this story up. but honestly yeah I'm a little bit obsessed with Ingrid already and the last guy being oblivious to his Incredible Rizz Powers is hilarious,, lars is there like "what does HE have that I DON'T???"