forum Tear apart my darling?
Started by @FantaPop

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Gods it's hard to release them into the void, but it'd be nice to get a bit of feedback on Quickshot. I've had them for over a year now and they need a second (or third, or fourth) lookover?


being more specific like why are they a gunslinger, what is their mission, do they even have a mission or their relationship with their family or do they even have one or maybe in a relationship with someone are they an assasian maybe or even a hollistic one


Hi! I know this is rather late, but I'm bored and in need of something to do. Would you mind if I took a shot at critiquing? ^-^

First off OHMIGOSH. I. LOVE. YOUR. ART. The proportions look wonderful and the style is just–beautiful! I love it. Yes yes, so much yes. >u<

Morgan covered most of what I was going to point out, however, might I give you a weight suggestion for your character? You say their "underweight for their height" and they're 5'4'', so a nice underweightness (like, not too life threatening) would be somewhere around upper 80s, maybe 90lbs? (So around 40kg. This is just a guess, but you don't seem 'Murican, so imma just throw out the kgs for good measure. ^u^) This is from real life experience, so I can assure you, it's not deathly small…I think. XD

Other than that, your character looks FANTASTIC. Keep up the great work! ^-^


@Mish aaa thank you for the compliments!!!

I'm never really confident with exact weights, since I don't think of them in context with characters other than 'how skinny are they?' or 'how much muscle mass do they have/is it visible?' so thank you for the suggestion!


You are very, very welcome! ^-^ I'd LOVE to see more of your art if you're willing to share.

And, tbh, same here, since I'm an artist as well. (if you couldn't tell by how I gushed over the body proportions) I do sometimes try to at least have a general idea of how much someone weights, that way I can compare and contrast them to other characters. (I also really need to read up on muscle-mass and the weight of muscles compared to just general body fat…)


(I think quickshot, damien, yannick, and magus have art at the moment, though i do need to draw the others and figure out how I want their faces to look.) I hear you about proportions! I tend to think of characters in sets of features, too, like this one has a short nose and rounded jaw, this one's sharp and pointy, etc., etc.. It is nice to meet another artist on here, though!


OOoh~~ The character art looks so good!! >u< I am considering putting up a character with original art, but I haven't really fleshed out his character yet. ^~^; But anywho, your art looks AMAZING! Thanks for letting me take a look at 'em! ^-^


@FantaPop , sure! ^u^ I did just finish a little drawing of mine a while ago for a character I haven't quite worked out all the details for: Lysirrak

I'm not exactly sure what to say about if you want to see more of my art (like, if one's not enough for you or something idk, I'm a socially awkward bundle of anxiety) , cause I can't really spam them here–can I? (idk, hit me up via Private Messaging of something, maybe? ^~^;)


@FantaPop thank you! I'm glad you like it! >u< It's admittedly just a close copy of a Manga/Anime style, with a few tweaks here and there to appease my inner Proportions Critic, so it's not fully my style.

And as for limbs n' stuff, I totally get that. It takes me FOREVER to get the limbs exactly as I want them/they need to be. I'm constantly adjusting the proportions to make them fit. (I admittedly had to enlarge the feet once I scanned my drawing onto my computer and realized, "These are WAY too small!" ^~^;) I also usually have trouble coming up with original poses, so I always have a bunch of random pose references from the internet that I base by drawings loosely off of.


I hear ya, I'm constantly zooming out as I work to take a look at proportions and resizing things! As far as posing's concerned, though, I tend to default to facing left with the arms doing Stuff(tm) unless I have a very clear picture of what I want to draw in my head or I'm working from a reference. ^^; Original poses are hard if you're not used to drawing them.


Ooooh~ Cause you draw with a tablet, right? That's so cool, I've always wanted to draw with a tablet. (If I wanna zoom out while I'm working on a drawing, I have to hold it further from my face, and if I want to resize something, time to break out that high-polymer eraser and start all over! internal screaming)

"Stuff(tm)", I'm dead. This is too accurate. XDD

I, actually, have a really hard time coming up with original poses and transferring my ideas onto paper. I think it's cause I'm more of a sketch artist, like, if you give me a drawing I practically copy it onto another piece of paper. That's why I use references for all of my work, or else you'll find me erasing and redrawing one limb for over an hour. >u<


My only complaint with the tablet is that the programmes and hardware itself are super expensive :(((

It's super cool that you can transfer drawings like that! That was always the hardest part for me before I went digital, because they never turned out right. But omg I feel you about erasing and redrawing. I limit myself a lot when doing lineart, 'cause if I didn't I'd be doing the same little part over and over and over again ^^;


RIIGHT!?! That's literally the only reason why I've never gotten one. IT'S CAUSE THEY FLIPPIN EXPENSIVE–

Aww, thanks. It's nothing much–really. ///
But yes, whenever I get sort of artist's block and can get past that one point, I have to force myself to work on another bit of the drawing 'else I'd be there all day. ^~^ Perfectionism is a blessing and a curse.