forum Super Nova critiques
Started by @Raziel Gallephraya

people_alt 10 followers


I love her!!! She seems really cool. the nickname supernova is really fitting. Mannerisms and motivations are great, but only one flaw? It's a very well thought out flaw, but maybe add more to it. Why can't she realize that she's already happy? Her other flaws could hinder her real happiness or something. In the prejudice section, you didn't really list any prejudices, just opinions. A prejudice is negative. I also agree with @TopazWyrmlet~ her hobbies and talents do need a little more fleshing out. Her personality type is nice, but make sure not to play into any stereotypes. too often the stern, overweight, sassy black lady is reduced to just that. make sure she's a full person (not saying that you have played into any stereotypes, its just a heads-up).

Everything in the social section is brilliant! I especially love her stuffed animal. That's adorable and really helps to humanize her. Her backstory is good, too, though you could expound on her and Raziel's meeting a little more.

Other than that, I don't have many critiques. She's very likable! Good job