forum Please critique my antagonist!
Started by @Baceballgun1

people_alt 3 followers


I'm kind of new to this whole thing, but here I have the antagonist of a story I'm interested in writing. I already know what I want to do with him that might stick that 'bad guy' label on him, but I feel he isn't villainous enough.

Also feel free to look at the universe and any of the other characters i have written out so far. Thanks!


Yoooo he's so good. Seriously, I like him! He's so human and I could see him being a formidable antagonist. A few notes: You could expound on his personality type a bit more. Is he always so formal? What about around friends? What's his relationship with his parents like? How'd their divorce effect him? Does he like his job? Is he good at it? Etc. Other than that, I think he's a very good character. Good job!


It's a good character, but I don't think I can see him being evil. I agree with @writelikeyourerunningoutoftime, he seems so human. He seems like one of those guys you would least expect to be the evil one :P