forum opinion on a relationship dynamic?
Started by @TouchOfColor group

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@TouchOfColor group

I've been struggling with this and I want to know how people on the outside would perceive this relationship.
This takes place in my fantasy universe. One of my characters, Royka, is an oldest brother who is responsible for taking care of his entire family. His younger brother, Lystyn, works at a fish processing plant where they managers can be very abusive to the employees. Royka catches Lystyn stealing from his bosses and they get into a fight because Royka is worried Lystyn will get caught and end up hurt. During their fight, Royka gets angry and shoves Lystyn. It is a fairly gentle shove that happens in a moment of anger.
I want this to convey how Royka is sometimes practical to the point of coldness and also how being parentified by his father has damaged Royka's relationship with Lystyn. However, I don't want to give the impression that Royka is a bad brother or, god forbid, abusive toward Lystyn in any way. Would this be a problem for you? What would you think of Royka if you read this?

Deleted user

Top of my head thinks that perhaps a different action instead of a shove? I'm just imagining a height difference, and a shove feels like a strange thing to do in a fight…I assume that means to the ground, not off a cliff height wise correct?
Maybe like, a curt grabbing of the wrist or shoulders would work better? It isn't as agressive, displaying the practical coldness, just being done to restrain the younger brother, but it can still be rough to show the seriousness of the situation.

@TouchOfColor group

Yeah, there is a height difference but Lystyn doesn't even fall to the ground, he just stumbles. I like the idea of a rough grab, that probably makes more sense given the situation. Thank you!