forum Need help?
Started by @stolenbrocoli group

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@stolenbrocoli group

I'll start. I stuck at a part in my story where my MC is being taught to hack (just basics) by a guy that's kinda his mentor. well i'm obviously not gonna talk about every detail of what he's learning because I DON'T KNOW HOW TO HACK TF so i dont know how to continue this.

– I took a seat in the nearest dining room chair as Cult dropped the open laptop in front of me. “What’re we doing?” i asked.
He pulled a chair up right next to me. “Password breaching.”
He turned the computer slightly towards him and started typing. “What you’ll need to do first is get to the hashing algorithm.” He continued on to explain things and words and concepts that i only vaguely understood. –

this is what i have so far. anyone got advice on how to finish it?

@Funfetti group

The best way to write about something you dont know is to research! Go online and find video tutorials, articles, anything that you think would help you write until you feel like you have a good enough grasp! I know research is long and boring most of the time, but it will make your story believable and show the audience the effort you put in. I hope this helps you!