forum My darling is ready for the world to see her. tell me what you think
Started by @Tarrant_Korrin

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Hi! This is a tad bit late, but I'd love to take a look at your character! ^-^

(I'm starting off with the background and working my way up so I have a better grasp of the character.)

First off, I'd like to praise you for your wonderfully scripted backstory. I myself use a larger vocabulary than most people my age, but the way you perfectly worded the backstory has me a tad bit awestruck if I'm to be perfectly honest with you. It flows so well together–it's almost like poetry! ^u^

Education: This may very well be just a personal preference, but if you could specify what exactly the "etc" stands for, that would be great. It seems a bit weird to leave the list hanging like that. (A reader could very well assume that she's well versed in basically everything–unless, that was exactly what you meant by the "etc". In which case, never mind. XD)
Edit: Never mind, I found what I was looking for. She is well educated in just about everything. (Maybe you could add something to that effect? Maybe, list and define what she's been the most educated/learned the most in, and then finish it off with a "and pretty much everything else." or something to that extent.

I love her Nature. It's just the right balance of "benevolent princess" to "believable character"! ^-^ Her flaws are wonderful (yes, that does sound a bit odd, doesn't it? XD), and her little quirks and mannerisms are perfect.

I think that's about it! Not too many complaints here. You're doing an amazing job. Keep up the good work! ^-^