forum Looking for a writing buddy? Me too!
Started by @Oakiin

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Hit me up if interested. I just want someone to read along as I write my first draft and give me a second opinion, or support, or whatever. I'll (obviously) be doing the same for you, so you know. Symbiotic relationships xD. I've never had a writing buddy before, and I think it'll be great to have one :)
I write fantasy/adventure, and would prefer if any potential writing buddies wrote somewhere close to that genre, just for the sake of both of us being able to read a genre we kinda know and like.
Fill out this form, and I'll pick someone I think will work well with me (or whoever comments)

Word count goal:
Book Title:
1-3 sentence synopsis:
Name you want me to call you:

Here's me:
Genre: High-fantasy/adventure
Word count goal: Somewhere in the 100k range
Book Title: The Retold Journies of Java Ratan Sane
1-5 sentence synopsis: Prince Java always wanted to travel his world, but he was tied to his duty to his small kingdom. All this changes, however, when his country gets involved in the wars of Riahc. Suddenly, his kingdom is under attack, and he must flee, traveling here and there to avoid being caught and killed. He's finally able to explore where ever he wants, but now all he wants is to return to the way things once were.
Name I want you to call me: Holly/Purple, whichever you like better :)

Thanks in advance! Can't wait to meet my buddy!

@LittleBear group

I don't want to come off as harsh because I think this is such a great idea, but I think that asking to edit an entire book is a lot to ask for in one sitting. Your plot and premise sound wonderful and I would be more than happy to give you critiques over some of your scenes as they come. If I had all the time in the world, I would love to do this. However, I don't have the time or the energy to critique an entire draft. And I don't want to speak for everyone, but I think others may feel the same way. You might get more reception if you post a thread just asking for critiques or post bit by bit to someone's thread who is already offering to critique. Good luck!


Don't worry, you didn't sound harsh at all! :)
I'm not really looking for a critique of my entire story; rather I'm looking for someone to write with (On re-read of my original post I see I didn't make that quite clear :)). basically I want someone I can be in frequent contact with to exchange story bits, seek advice from, and get motivation from. I haven't finished the book yet, I'm actually only on chapter two, and I'd be looking for someone who hasn't finished their book yet either, so we could advance together.
I hope this clears up anything I didn't make clear in the original post.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, and thanks for the offer for a critique! Right now I don't have anything specific, but I'll keep you in mind if I run into any problems. I'm glad you liked my basic idea :)
Good luck to you as well in your writing endeavors!

@LittleBear group

Well in that case!

Genre: High Fantasy/ Pseudo-Historical Fiction (No Magic)
Word count goal: Trilogy
Book Title: Pravaci Court
1-3 sentence synopsis: Strisen, Kraiotan, and Natiselle should have been born with silver spoons in their mouths, but fate had other ideas. Instead, Natiselle and Kraiotan were raised outside of the castle walls, hiding from those that want them dead and training for the day that they would reclaim their rightful thrones. All the while Strisen grows up never learning about his bloody past and his long lost twin brother. Their worlds collide as they work to enact revenge on the woman who murdered their mothers, reunite their kingdom, and set the record straight.
Name you want me to call you: LittleBear, LB

Here is a link to stuff I have already posted if you are interested:


Awesome! :D I'll take a look at it tomorrow, and I'll show you a little bit of mine, in case you're interested :)