forum Looking for a Critique
Started by Krynn

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So, I'm trying to get better at writing relationships within a story and this is my first attempt at it. Could someone critique it? Thank you!

Mason silently cursed Toby as he shivered in the crisp early morning weather. He had been sleeping peacefully until he had gotten a call claiming that he needed to head down to the lab as fast as humanly possible. Mason had reluctantly pulled himself out of bed and debated whether or not he had time to take a shower. Thankfully, he decided that he didn’t and had begun the twenty-minute walk down to the lab.
Once there, Mason knocked on the large metal door and rubbed his hands up and down his arms hoping to gain warmth. The door opened with a loud creak and behind it stood Toby himself. His ink black hair had been slicked back by gel and almost seemed to reflect the fluorescent lighting. His amber brown eyes shined with excitement and his lab coat swished as Toby swayed slightly.
“Mason! Just in time! Come in! Come in!” Toby greeted pulling Mason into the warm lab.
“What is it this time Toby?” Mason asked as he walked towards Toby’s office.
“Only the greatest discovery of all time!” Toby exclaimed throwing open the wooden door to his office. Mason shook his head looking around. Toby’s office looked exactly like it had when Mason had visited it seven hours ago. The wooden desk still sat in the center of the room with two chairs sitting in front of it. Behind the desk sat several metal filing cabinets and most of the drawers had papers sticking up out of them. To the left of that sat Toby’s bulletin board which at the moment was covered in thousands of pictures of the ocean and several islands. “Have a seat Mason.”
Mason took a seat in a chair by the desk waiting for Toby’s excuse for why he was there at one in the morning. “Alright, what is it?” Mason asked crossing his arms. Toby smiled before turning to the bulletin board and pointing at several pictures.
“Do you see these?” He asked. Mason rolled his eyes before adjusting his glasses.
“Of course I see them. They’re three feet in front of me!”
“Just thought I’d ask…”
“Just get on with it, Toby.” Toby nodded before turning back to the pictures.
“I have reason to believe that there are new resources and materials in this particular area,” He started moving his hand around several pictures of the ocean. Mason nodded as Toby continued. “And the closest island for us to set up a base is here,” He pointed to a picture of an island, “The Phoenix Islands!” Toby smiled before turning to face Mason.
“Is that all?” Mason asked rubbing his face. Toby’s smile faded into an expression of disbelief.
“Is that all?! Is that all?! Are you clearly not interested that there is a possibility of new minerals down there?!” Mason didn’t say anything. “You know what,” Toby threw his hands up before moving over to his desk and opening a drawer, “maybe my research will convince you.” Toby pulled out a stack of papers and looked at them before offering them to Mason.
Mason shook his head. “I’m good Toby. If you don’t mind…I think I’m going to head home and go back to bed.” Mason made a move to stand up before Toby shouted “No!”.
“You can’t leave yet! Not until I tell the rest of the group!”
Mason raised a brow, “The rest of the group?” Toby nodded.
“Yes. I also called Gwen and Cody.” Mason groaned.
“Toby, It’s early. I’m exhausted and I’m sure you are as well. Can’t this wait until the morning?” Mason asked standing up from his chair.
“No! It can’t wait!!!” Before he could continue there was a knock on the large metal door. “They’re here!” Toby exclaimed rushing towards the door. Mason followed closely behind praying that it was just the mailman or some homeless man seeking shelter. Unfortunately, when Toby opened the door it was neither the mailman nor a homeless man seeking shelter. Instead, it was Gwen and Cody.
Gwen was leaning on Cody and from the looks of it, she had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Her normally curly electric blonde hair was tangled and she was wearing bunny slippers with black pajamas that had hearts on them. Cody, on the other hand, was using his right hand to make sure Gwen didn’t fall while he held a steaming coffee mug in his left hand. His Chestnut brown hair stood up at odd angles and his chocolate brown eyes were glazed with sleep. He wore gray sweatpants and a black T-shirt with flip-flops. He took a long sip of his coffee before noticing Toby and Mason.
“Hi. We got here as fast as we could.” Cody explained before nudging Gwen with his elbow.
“How long have you been out here?” Mason asked.
“I just got here. Pretty sure she waited a good couple of minutes thinking she had knocked.” Cody nudged Gwen again and she woke up this time.
“I’m up!” She exclaimed looking around. “Toby! Mason! Good to see you two!” She said giving the two of them hugs before slipping into the building. Cody nodded as he walked past the two of them.
When they had reached Toby’s office, Gwen had seated herself behind the desk as Cody sat on a chair in front of it. Mason sat down in the seat he was in before and waited. Toby smiled before repeating what he had told Mason to Cody and Gwen. When he finished, he waited patiently for someone to say something.
Cody took another sip of his coffee, “You want to go to the Phoenix Islands to gather minerals?” He asked. Toby nodded. Cody sighed before taking another drink of his coffee.
“When do you plan on doing this?” Gwen asked.
“Hopefully sometime next week,” Toby replied. As Toby and Gwen continued talking, Mason looked over to Cody who was glaring at his coffee mug. Mason scooted his chair closer.
“I’m assuming you’re as angry as I am…” Mason whispered quietly so neither Gwen nor Toby would hear him.
“It is 1:30 in the morning,” Cody started looking to Mason, “and I didn’t fall asleep until midnight. So yeah, I’m a little mad.” Mason couldn’t help but chuckle. It was only on rare occasions that Cody got mad and when he did it was hilarious. He would always look ready to murder and anyone that said something that irritated him would get the stink eye.
“Aw, look Toby. Cody has a friend!” Gwen cooed clasping her hands together. Cody swung his head and glared at her before Gwen broke down into a laughing fit. Mason shook his head as he laughed.
“For your information,” Cody started, “I have friends. They’re just always busy.” Gwen laughed again as Toby shook his head.
“Anyway,” Toby started, “I’m still waiting for an answer.”
“I didn’t hear you ask a question,” Mason replied turning in his seat.
“Will you guys accompany me on my trip to the Phoenix Islands?”
“Of course!” Gwen smiled. Cody nodded and Toby looked at Mason for an answer. Mason sighed.
“Someone has to look after you.” He mumbled.
“Perfect!” Toby announced, “I’ll make the arrangements with the boss tomorrow morning!”
“It is tomorrow morning” Cody mumbled as he left the office. Mason laughed shaking his head as he followed. He was exhausted and ready to head to bed but at least he got a laugh out of this unfortunate meeting.
Around eight that same morning, Mason received yet another call from Toby. “What is it now, Toby?” Mason asked irritated.
“Well, I talked to the boss and she’s requested that everyone who’s going on the trip be present at the lab immediately,” Toby explained. Mason sighed sitting up.
“I’ll be there as fast as I can.” He told Toby before hanging up. Mason set his phone on the nightstand and dragged himself out of bed.
When he arrived at the lab for the second time that day, Gwen was already waiting at the door. This time she wore a maroon shirt, jeans, and some brown boots. “Hey, Gwen,” Mason stated as he knocked on the door. Gwen turned to face him.
“Hey, Mason! How are you?”
“Good. Actually got some sleep. You?”
“Great!” She paused before continuing, “So, how are things between you and Cody?” Gwen smirked as she crossed her arms.
“I’m sorry what?”
“You and Cody.”
“What about us?”
“You a couple yet?” Mason felt his face heat up as he looked around. Thankfully no one was around and Mason prayed that someone hadn’t heard them. “Well?” Gwen asked.
“It’s not like that,” Mason whispered looking towards the ground. He could practically feel Gwen rolling her eyes. He and Cody were just friends. Gwen didn’t know what she was talking about. The loud creak of the door brought Mason out of his thoughts.
“Gwen! Mason!” Toby exclaimed running a hand through his hair, “Glad you're here! Come in! Come in!” Mason followed behind Toby and Gwen as they walked through the lab. “So as you know, I’ve informed the boss about the trip.” Toby turned as he continued, “She’s excited at the potential discovery of minerals but is concerned about our safety.”
“She has a right to,” Gwen started, “Remember the last time we went on a trip with you?”
“Kenya was a great trip!” Toby defended. Last year, Toby had managed to convince Mason and Gwen to go to Kenya with him to document animals and the overall experience had left Mason with several nightmares.
“I almost got eaten by a lion!” Gwen exclaimed.
“That’s water under the bridge. I assure you there are no lions on the Phoenix Islands.” Toby stated. Gwen rolled her eyes as Mason laughed.
When they reached the boss’s door, Mason gulped nervously. It had been a while since he’d visited Joy, and he didn’t know what was about to happen. Toby opened up the door and walked in, Gwen and Mason following shortly behind him. Joy was seated behind her desk in the center of the room. Her raven locks had been put up into a bun and she wore a blue cardigan that covered her white T-shirt, khakis, and flats. Behind her desk sat several file cabinets, all of them closed without a single paper or folder sticking out from them. In front of the desk were four chairs, one being taken by Cody. Mason sat next to him and ignored the smile Gwen sent him. Once the door was closed and everyone was seated, Joy spoke.
“I assume that Toby has informed you on my concerns,” She started. Gwen, Cody, and Mason nodded while Toby just shrugged. “Then you are aware that I’m concerned of your safety. I don’t want another Kenya repeat.” She turned her attention towards Toby who had suddenly found an interest in the floor.
“Don’t worry Mrs. Finley,” Cody started, “I’ll be on the trip. I’ll make sure everything goes well.” Joy turned to face him.
“Are you sure?” She asked raising a brow. Cody nodded.
“Absolutely.” Joy nodded before looking at everyone in the room.
“Alright, but do not hesitate to call me if something happens.”
“You’re dismissed.” With that, Mason stood following the others out of the room. Once the door was shut, Gwen spoke.
“So Cody, You’re the safety master now?”
“Well then, guess we aren’t having any fun on this trip…” Cody huffed as Mason chuckled.
“This trip isn’t about having fun!” Toby started as they headed towards his office, “We’re on the verge of a new discovery!”
“Toby I know for a fact that the second we get there, Mason and I are going to be setting up the base while you and Gwen go exploring or something.” Cody stated.
“I would never!” Toby placed his hand over his heart as he feigned offence. Gwen rolled her eyes as she laughed.
“Right.” Mason laughed.
“When are we leaving Toby?” Cody asked. Toby turned to face him.
“Oh yes. Probably should’ve mentioned that earlier. We leave in three days.”
“Three days?” Mason exclaimed. Toby nodded.
“Yes. Three days. Though I am going to require your assistance.”
“With?” Gwen asked.
“Packing our supplies of course.” Mason sighed.
They spent the next two days helping Toby pack. Gwen had spent most of that time taking things out of the bin and moving them back to where they were. Which caused Toby to go grab it again. Mason had spent his time crossing items of the list while Cody told him what was in the bin. Thankfully they had finished last night and Mason was now sitting in the airport waiting for everyone else. Mason checked his watch. It read 6:30. “Mason!” Mason turned his head at the mention of his name. Carrying several bags stood Toby. His hair hadn’t been gelled back yet and he was wearing casual clothing for once in his life.
“Need a hand?” Mason asked standing up.
“No, no, I’ve got it.” Toby set down several bags before sitting down and smiling.
“You’re late,” Mason pointed out, taking a seat beside him.
“Flight leaves at seven. It’s only 6:30, so therefore I’m not late.” Mason rolled his eyes.
“Fair enough. Any idea where Gwen and Cody are?” Toby yawned before lying down.
“The last time I checked, Gwen said that she was going to pick up Cody before arriving at the airport.”

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Alright, well the first thing that I noticed was about the style. There's quite a bit of unnecessary information in here, and not very many sensory details (appealing to the readers' senses by describing sight, smell, touch, taste, sound). As for the relationship between the characters, I would say it's pretty good, but you need to include more emotion. The readers are going to want to feel what your characters are feeling. Use more actions and descriptive words to show your character's emotions, outlook, and personality. It helps readers form their own opinion of a character. Here's one suggestion:
"Flight leaves at seven. It's only 6:30, so therefore I'm not late," Toby explained nonchalantly, leaning back in his chair.
"Fair enough," Mason responded with a shrug. "Any idea where Gwen and Cody are?"
This would show that Toby is more carefree. Also, pausing Mason's dialogue to point out to the reader that Mason shrugs sets the mood a little bit better, and give the reader a break from the dialogue.

Other than that, it was some pretty solid writing! I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh, but I'm just offering suggestions (which you absolutely do not have to take, it's your story!). Good luck!