forum Little scene I wrote in 10 mins
Started by @TryToDoItWrite

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I often set a timer and sit and write whatever comes to mind, and this little scene happened. I was curious what people thought of it! This is the unedited, I just sat and wrote this as quickly as I possibly could version. I can't think of names quickly to save my life, so the girls are unnamed which makes it harder to follow. Forgive me :0

“What the hell are you doing?”
“What do you mean?” She looked up innocently from the center of the chalked floor, where she was completely the last rune on the sprawling drawing on the floor.
“You're summoning something–from the the looks of it a higher class demon too! Teacher told us to never without supervision..”
“You’re such a worrywart. Nothing will happen. He’ll never know.” She tiled back her pointed witches hat, and said in a cherry voice, “Hand me the bit of holy water. We can never be too careful.”
“What are you summoning?”
“Just get in the circle.”
“Tell me.”
“You’ll freak out.”
The other girl glared. “I’m about to go tattle on you.”
She took the scared girl’s hand and pulled her across, to the safety of the summoner's circle.
“Live a little.”
And with that, she started the Latin incantation. Seconds later, a cloud of sulfur poofed into being along with the demon.
It growled, not with malice, but with an odd annoyance.
“What is it now?”
The other girl started back, but she didn’t flinch.
“Hi! I needed you for one tinsey tiny little thing.”
“Why didn’t you summon a lesser demon,” it said in a bored and exasperated voice.
“They’re all so dumb though,” She sighed and said with fondness “You’re the best!”
It just grunted, but there was a hidden note of pleasure at being treated with such familiarity from a human. It was the only one, the demon thought, that had ever been so kind or caring. Most witch’s treat demons with mistrust and contempt. Which is understandable, the demon thought wryly.
The other girl was still agog.
“What? How many times have you do this!?”
“Oh, once or twice,” the girl said nonchalantly. She was shuffling something, some papers and parchment.
“More like ten or twelve,” the demon supplied.
“It’s nothing,” she cooed. “He’s my friend.”
Her friend, thought the demon. I could kill her without a second thought, if she broke the circle.
And, that moment, a sheet of paper caught a draft, and fluttered out of the circle. The other girl cried out as she said, “Oh shoot!” and reached out to retrieve it, and in doing so, broke the boundaries of the circle. The other girl looked at the demon fearfully, waiting for him to smite the smaller girl down.
But he didn’t.
The girl giggled, “Whoops.” She smiled up at the terrifying demon, “Here’s my task for you.”
She handed him the paper. It looked so much smaller in the hands of the monstrous demon than in the hands of the tiny girl.
“These are the rules to a board game.”
“Yeah! Your task is to memorize those, so we can play.”
She bobbed her head up and down, huge hat balanced precariously.

@LittleBear group

I have two exams tomorrow so I cant give you my full thoughts, but wow. I REALLY like it. There is just enough snark, mystery, and innocence to hook me.