forum Is my idea good?
Started by @IWasHere

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Hi, so I spend two years writing a story (for fun though;)) and a few months ago I've shared it with family and friends who wanted to read it, but I did not get any feedback, so I wanted to know if the idea was good…

It's the story of a 14 year old boy, Théodore, who is pretty lonely. Is mother died when he was 6, and he lives with his dad and half-sister Gemma. His dad's a drunk and he beats them a lot, and he doesn't have any friends at school, so he's lonely and obviously, not very happy. So at the beginning of the story, he meets two new girls at school and becomes friend with them. But eventually, they discover what his dad does to him and his sister and they tell him to get out of there. He refuses, but it's still on his mind. So basically the story is on Théodore's life, trying to figure what to do and what makes his life worth living. He tries to manage his life that is falling apart, between his messed-up and his frends' problems (which includes rape and depression).

So yeah… Thanks and I apologize if some sentences doesn't make sense, English is not my first language :)


Well your story is extremely cliche, its been done time after time after time, which means a lot of people probably wont read it if you are planning of publishing it. But publishing doesn't have to be your goal, if you're just writing for yourself, thats completely fine!