forum I'll critique your character(s) if you want!
Started by @purpleowl25_pew_pew

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Okay, so I think that this is a really good character so far. I'm a little bit confused on what you mean by anti-hero so maybe you could elaborate on that. I also like all the detail in her personality type, she seems really interesting and I think that she is developed really well. Maybe you could also elaborate on her skin tone a little bit. All in all this is a great character, I would love to read the story.


The dictionary definition of anti-hero is 'A central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes'.
The plot I have her in is still being refined, so she might handle some things in an anti-hero way.


First of all, I like the name Rie. It's an unusual name, but it totally fits her character. Also, I think it is cool how you totally have everything super detailed. I think the metaphor "island of ice with a volcano in center" is a really good way of putting her personality. This sounds like an interesting and amazing story, and I would read the heck out of it.


So I think that she has a really cool name, first of all. I also think that you could add a bit more to mannerisms and personality type, and maybe add a bit to backstory if you can. I also would like to find out how she got her name. I think that she is a really cool character.