forum How to not be basic
Started by Hannah

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Hey guys, I am really, really, really bad at coming up with ideas for a plot. If you guys have any suggestions you wouldn't mind me building off of, I would be greatly appreciative. I can go on and on describing this and that and it sounds wonderful, but I suck and making something new. Maybe this is why I stuck to poetry before :/


Well, you can take something basic and make it new. Here's what came up on Google. 'According to Mr. Booker, there are only seven basic plots in the whole world. Those seven plots are: 1.Overcoming the Monster, 2.Rags to Riches, 3.The Quest, 4.Voyage and Return, 5.Rebirth, 6.Comedy and 7.Tragedy.'


I totally get it Hannah. Dude that's me too sometimes. I would recommend that if you find yourself at a loss for what to write, you probably need to take a break and read something. Reading lots and lots of different books of different genres is the best step to take to easy plotting of your own novel. But, if you don't have quite that much time on your hands (and who does) you can always start a list or two. List the most ridiculous lies that you can think of. List strange names. List weird foods that you've eaten. List inspiring songs or poetry. Anything can spark a story!! Good luck!