forum How's this?
Started by @I-love-lucie

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I just made the last minute decision of my character being claustrophobic. Does this sound claustrophobic to you? Help and critique for this would be great.

Chapter One
Alex awoke to pure, unfiltered darkness in the abandoned bomb shelter. She felt a warm presence pressing against her, another body. She wasn't completely alone at least. But her head, oh, her head! It pounded with the sound of a thousand drums, each drummer beating in unison with every ounce of their strength.

The darkness was suffocating. It pulled at her thoughts, whispering doubts and fears into her head. Blinking didn't clear it away. It was so dark she wasn't even sure if she was blinking. A scream rose in her throat, threatening to escape. It fought and clawed at her throat, aching to get out of its cage.


She let the scream out.

It was out for a split second before a hand was clapped over her mouth, forcing the scream back in.


I'm not sure you could call this claustrophobic, since what she's really scared about is the darkness. If it's possible, maybe you should make her have nyctophobia instead, which in my opinion is what this passage is highlighting.

Hope this helped! Good luck!